First Dance

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"The band is going to start playing soon, which means the official dancing part of the prom will start soon. Just thought I'd let you know", Cole announced. Jude and Connor both nodded and realized what was about to happen, they were going to have their first dance. Cole sensed the boys' nervousness, "It'll be fine", he said, "I promise". He winked at them, smiling, and then he was off to help the band set up the stage.The live music started and people were getting out of their seats, moving towards the open space in front of the stage. Connor stood up, "May I have this dance?", he asked and held out his hand, offering to help Jude out of his chair. But Jude was still slightly unsure when doing "couple-y" things out in public since he didn't want to come out in school in the beginning. However, after Taylor had told some people about them, there was no going back. It spread like wildfire and quickly became the topic of most conversations held between students at Anchor Beach. It had been nerve wracking when the boys held hands for the first time in the hallway, for Jude at least. Some made nasty comments, although, most of the reactions were positive. "Please my dearest Judicorn", Connor pleaded jokingly, using the nickname he had heard Mariana use countless times. Jude was pulled back to reality and got up, with the help of Connor's hand.

The dancing area was already filled with people who were swaying to the music. It was now almost completely dark and the fairy lights had been turned on, making the place look magical. They settled on a spot on the outskirts of the crowd and felt their hearts beating faster. "Have you ever done this before?", Jude asked hoping his date knew something about dancing. "Not like this", Connor replied and blushed, "only with my mom when I was younger". Jude imagined a significantly smaller version of Connor dancing around in his living room with his mom and smiled at the thought. "Me neither, not like this", he confessed. "It can't be that hard", Connor said and raised the hand that was conjoined with Jude's. He put his other hand on Jude's waist and Jude put his free hand on Connor's waist.

The song ended and the band started playing a cover of "I Can't Help Falling In Love With You". Slowly but steadily they started to move to an acoustic version of the old song. The boys smiled, looking into each other's eyes and taking everything in. Jude closed his eyes for a moment and inhaled deeply. He exhaled, opened his eyes and looked around at their beautiful surroundings before letting his eyes settle on Connor.

But I can't help falling in love with you. Connor couldn't believe that he was slow dancing, so far without tripping, with his boyfriend of nearly two months. He wanted to relish every second of it so he could relive the moment in his mind after it was over. His gaze dropped to their feet to make sure he wasn't accidentally stepping on Jude's feet or misplacing his, making him, and possibly them, fall over. "You're doing great Con", Jude said, making Connor look up again, their smiles never fading. Suddenly Connor removed his hand from Jude's waist and raised their connected hands above Jude's head. Jude understood what Connor meant and twirled under their hands. It threw Jude slightly off balance so when their free hands returned to each other's waists they had to grip a little tighter to keep Jude from falling. It made both of them laugh.

Some things were meant to be. Their hands shifted up to rest on top of the other's shoulders, narrowing the gap between them a little.

Take my hand, take my whole life too. "You were right you know", Connor said and Jude's eyebrows narrowed in slight confusion, "it's perfect". Jude's facial expression returned to the now standard, in love look. "Told you so", he replied, his smile widening, then melting away. "I never thought I'd ever be with you, like this", he said after a pause, "dancing... as boyfriends". The remark surprised Connor a bit, "Why not?", he asked. Another pause. "I've had a crush on you since God knows when and for a while it seemed like you'd never like me back", Jude continued, "I thought you'd end up with some girl and I'd be miserably lonely". He looked away, not wanting Connor to see the sadness on his face from thinking back to the times when Jude was certain they would never happen. Connor put his right hand on Jude's cheek, turning back Jude's face to meet his eyes. "But we are here", Connor said, "dancing, as boyfriends. I ended up with you and I can't think of any other way it could have turned out". He put his other hand on Jude's right cheek and softly stroked his thumbs across Jude's cheekbones." The gap between them was nearly gone when Connor put his forehead to Jude's.

For I can't help falling in love with you. Their eyes closed as well as the gap between them as they kissed. It wasn't too short, not too long, but just right. I can't help falling in love with you.

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