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The four teens walked towards the arch to enter the garden, where the prom was taking place. "Wait", Callie said and took out her phone, "I just have to take a picture of you two", she nodded towards Jude and Connor with a smile. "Stand over there by the arch", she directed and they walked over to where she had pointed, put their arm around the other's back and planted their hands on the other's waist, grinning. "Adorable", Callie said and took a few photos just to be sure at least one of them wasn't blurry or too light or dark. "Here, let me take some of you guys too", Jude said and reached for Callies phone. She handed it to him and went over to the arch to pose with Cole; they pulled some funny faces and laughed. Callie got her phone back and all of them continued towards the heart of the party.

It was about 8 PM and the sun had started to set, staining the sky with orange and pink tones. There were long tables set with food and snacks, smaller fold up tables with fold up chairs, people in groups, both talking and dancing, music flowed from the almost human sized speakers, and everything seemed to incorporate the rainbow colours, in one way or another. "Do you like it?", Cole asked, "we thought we'd try to keep the pride somewhat subtle, but still there". "I love it", Connor blurred out, "it's perfect". He looked at Jude, who was smiling because Connor was feeling better now. "I understand you guys would want some alone time with each other", Callie told them, "I'll go and catch up some more with Cole and see if I can help out with anything". She left the couple by the food and walked over to Cole who was busy trying to organise some of the volunteers. "So.. you hungry?", Jude asked his boyfriend, who was staring at the food in front of them. "Kind of, I ate lunch a while ago", he responded, "We can eat now and leave the dancing for later when it gets darker, it'll be magical". He nodded towards some of the fairy lights that were spread around the entire area, "Romantic", he said with a smile and raised eyebrows. Jude couldn't help but smile at his unbelievably cute date, he felt so lucky to have someone so amazing. "Let's get to it then", he said and gave Connor a paper plate.


It took them a little while to get through the food because they both wanted to try everything the prom had to offer. "I've got a confession to make", Connor started in a serious tone, "I'm pregnant". He patted his stomach as if it held a child and laughed, causing Jude to laugh with him. "Congratulations on your food baby", Jude said, still giggling. "Seriously though, I cannot get anything more down. I am completely full", Connor continued and sank down in his plastic chair and closed his eyes. They were quiet for a moment, listening to the music in tranquility, letting their food start to digest. It was never awkward between them, even if they didn't say a word they still enjoyed each other's presence. A lot of the time when they hung out at either of their homes was spent in silence; laying on the couch, fingers intertwined or eating a snack, eyes locked. Finally, they put their disposable forks, knives, and plates in a big trash bag. "Look, here's an emergency outfit for you in case you accidentally spill something on your suit", Connor said and pointed to the black bag, making both of them think back to the moment when Jude was figuring out what to wear. "Hilarious", he replied, trying to keep a straight face. It didn't last long and both of them started to laugh. "Look at you two being cute", Cole said, who neither Jude nor Connor had seen approaching them.

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