chapter three ─ padua and its "quirks"

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act one , chapter three ...
padua and its "quirks" !

( spring , nineteen ninety-nine ! )

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BUFFY HAD PRETTY MUCH TOLD HER ABOUT THE school when they had time before classes. She even went a long way to try and help Elvira find her classes. In each class, she was bound to cause some trouble. There was nothing that caught her interest thus far. The teachers were either uptight and annoying, or far too much of a pushover to deal with any of the other students' bad behavior. All around, she thought that the school was an absolute joke. There was nothing that was very impressing about it. This makes Elvira wonder how Salem was doing in his classes, if he were finding them well. Although he was older, she worried about the boy, as she knew that he could be quite the pushover himself.

But the one so called quirk that Padua had was Kat Stratford. A blonde girl who was the same year as Salem. She was a girl who spoke her mind, didn't care about what people thought about her. She mostly wore her hair in a ponytail, and she didn't try to impress anyone, unlike the rest of the girls here. Buffy told Elvira that she and her sister were best friends and they always sat together at lunch. They were the girls who didn't like the standards that the school had for them, which was really cool.

Usually it was them that sat at the table. They weren't used to having boys around considering they didn't like them too much. But since Elvira told Salem that she would meet him for lunch, they agreed, considering that he was new, too.

Buffy had led the two of them there, meeting the three others that were already sitting outside at one of the lunch tables.

"Hi guys!" She says to the three excitedly, "This is Elvira and Salem! Kat, I know you and Elvira met. Elvira, Salem, this is Mandella, and my sister Lizzie!"

Lizzie, Buffy's older sister points at Salem. "Hey! I know you! You're in my art class! We sit at the same table!"

Salem can only smile back at her response. Which makes Elvira bring up a point that she forgot to mention.

"Shit, I forgot."

"What?" Mandella asked.

"Salem is. . . Selectively mute," Elvira explained, "He can't talk in some settings and situations, and sometimes he can talk fine on others."

I'M DUMB, SHE'S A LESBIAN (BIANCA STRATFORD!)Where stories live. Discover now