Chapter One

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Solasta Academy, Present Day

It was the beginning of the new year at the most prestigious supernatural academy in the world. Students ranging from ages twelve to eighteen all over campus are carrying boxes of their personal belongings into their dormitories. It struck Calia Nox, then, that she was one of them. Solasta brought hope for many, especially her as the idea of learning about this hidden world lit up her entire soul. It was a good day for new beginnings—even the sky seemed to agree for there were no clouds in sight. Nothing but the sun shining against them all. As she opened the pristine window in the lounge that overlooked everything, she felt the warm breeze on her skin. A tiny smile curled on her lips for a second as the simple touch sent her abilities into a frenzy. It went away just as quickly as it came when the door opened behind her, but no one came in. Magic. She turned around and waited with curiosity, then blinked when a short raven-haired woman entered as she carried nothing but her bag on her shoulder. Suitcases and boxes entered behind her in mid-air and Calia was absolutely mesmerized. She was a Witch. She was one of her roommates, she guessed and a mix of nervousness and relief went through her at the speed of light.

The woman's beautiful hair was cut short just below her ears as she perfected lipstick the color of blood, contrasting with her pale skin. She wore black leather pants, a tank top the same color, and combat boots. Her amber eyes brightened at the sight of Calia, giving her a welcoming smile. "You must be Calia!" she said enthusiastically. The Witch went up to her and tugged her into an embrace, then quickly pulled away. "I'm Jade Monroe, one of your roommates. It's nice to finally meet you!"

"Likewise," Calia replied with the same bright smile. Jade peered through Calia's new dorm room, then frowned when she realized no one was there. Her new guardians left ten minutes ago and as much as she wanted them to stay a little while longer, she knew she had to put on her big girl pants sooner rather than later. Before she could ask, Calia shrugged. "Guardians left already," Of course, there was the fact that one of them was a Professor at this academy and the other was a Princess of Ambrosia. That must be why Jade glanced into her bedroom—wanting to meet them. They were famous in this world like celebrities. "Amias had a staff meeting and Soari went on a mission." She clarified.

Jade nodded once. "You know, it will spread like wildfire as soon as class starts tomorrow. Everyone will ask you numerous questions about them. More so because Soari was here a little bit ago." There was not any doubt she was going to be popular because her guardians were known across Kingdoms. Even worlds. Laying low was not an option so she might as well suck it up until it dwindles down. It's what she learned many times at the many schools she attended before. At a different school, maybe she would have. But this was Solasta Academy and even if you were no more than a Vampire, everyone knew your name. At least that was what Amias told her during orientation.

"Of course," she said. "Thanks for the warning." Jade sucked in a breath before smiling again, as though trying to conceal what she was feeling. Or maybe she was trying not to say what she was thinking. Either way, it bothered Calia. If she wanted to make memories in Solasta, she had to make friends. It was the only way she would survive here. "Jade. While we attend this academy, you don't have to treat me differently from the rest of the students. Amias and Soari being my guardians doesn't change anything. I'm still a Fae. An orphan that had no idea this world existed six months ago. And really, I would love to be your friend. If you let me."

"An orphan, huh?" she asked. Her eyes brightened with questions and curiosity. The same expression Calia wore once she stepped foot on campus. Jade wrapped her slender arm around Calia, embracing her like a sister. "Welcome to the club, Calia Nox. You are going to love it here." There was not any doubt most of her class had no family outside of Solasta. She did not have anyone except for her guardians but others did not have that luxury. Her heartstrings pulled at the thought but it was better not to think about it now. New beginnings and everything. Meeting Jade was the start of it all—her first friend.

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