Chapter Sixty Nine

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The women were just finalizing their plans when they heard the laughter. Just one loud laugh at first, then a symphony of laughter after that. They quickly moved to the tree line to try to see what was happening. They heard the men agree on a compromise and saw the pirates tuck their pistols and sheath their knives.

When Violet asked to meet the man who had flayed and strung up Bailey, the Duchess stepped forward.

"'Twas not a man." She stated softly. The pirate turned towards her, causing the duchess' jaw to drop before she found herself staring unabashedly at the man.

The sun was rising, casting light upon the men as they turned to see who had spoken. Kathleen found herself looking at the most beautiful man she had ever seen in her life. It was rare for Kathleen to be struck dumb, but she was in that instant, for the pirate was absolute perfection. Gorgeous, heart stopping, absolute perfection. He wore his dark hair long, tied back with a strip of leather, which emphasized the perfection of his face.

Vi was amused to find that there were women who had hidden in the trees. He quirked one brow at Kathleen and wondered what had given them away that this camp had been ready for their attack. "If not a man, then what did that to him, my lady?"

"'Tis your grace, sir, and who might you be?" Kathleen breathed, wondering if his name was as perfect as his face.

Vi swept his hat off his head bowing most deeply to Kathleen. "Violet Petals, your servant, your grace."

"Truly?" She gasped.

"Truly." Vi assured her, in his most flirtatious voice.

Kathleen could not help it, she started to giggle, then all of a sudden, in her mind, the men's previous laughter made perfect sense.

Vi crossed his arms, tapped his toe and again blew the strand of hair out of his eyes. "I would presume to expect better manners from a Duchess." Violet noticed yet more giggling coming from the trees. This was purely too much, Vi thought. It was enough to go through the humiliation of being laughed at once, but twice in the span of a few minutes grated on his nerves. "You, back there, come out at once!" Vi demanded.

Arianna and Betsy both peeked out from opposite sides of the same tree, Carmelita, from the tree next to them.

"Come out, I said!" Vi took a deep breath and calmed himself, "You will not be harmed." He assured with forced patience.

Derek and Alejandro walked together to fetch their women.

"You were supposed to stay at the pool." Derek growled lowly at Arianna, as he slipped a hand around her waist to the small of her back, leading her back to where Vi waited.

Betsy attempted to hide behind Derek and Arianna as Derek made the introductions.

"You have the pleasure of meeting her grace, the Duchess of Marlborough." Derek swept a hand towards Kathleen. He then nodded at Arianna."Her daughter, Arianna Kent, my betrothed." He then put a hand on Alejandro's shoulder, "My first mate, Alejandro, and his wife Carmelita. Ladies, this is ......"
Arianna put a hand on Derek's arm. "Do not bother." She said humorously. "We heard well enough."

Vi rolled his eyes then swept a bow before the ladies. "Violet was my mother's choice, I am simply Vi, if it pleases you."

"Oh, it does." The Duchess gushed.
Arianna's eyes flew to her mother. Good Lord, was she flirting with the pirate? Though Arianna could somewhat understand, the man was stunning. Now that she was closer to him, and the sun had risen over the horizon, she gazed upon his violet eyes framed by the thickest lashes she had ever seen. He was still a bad man, however, and beauty did not forgive one's wrongdoings.

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