Chapter Seventy Six

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William and Kathleen, the Duke and Duchess of Marlborough, were oblivious to their surroundings; the crews cheered, their daughter wept; and still, they had no thought except for one another. William held Kathleen against his chest, "I never stopped looking for you." He whispered. "Never."

"I know, my love." Kathleen purred.

"I saw the island where he held you. Is Marcus Bailey," the name was all but spit from the Duke's lips, "in the Green Eyed Lady's brig?" The Duke's eyes glinted as cold steel and a shiver ran down the Duchess' spine at the thought of what her husband would have done to the man had he encountered him alive. A small smirk lifted one corner of her lips. And Arianna had thought the lashing I gave the man had been brutal.

"Is that a yes?" William Kent asked with a lifted brow. His arms began to slip from around his wife but Kathleen stopped him with a firm grip upon his sleeve.

"Nay, love. He did not live long amongst so many he tormented." Her husband was not able to hide his disappointment from her.

"I never stopped trying to get back to you." Kathleen told him. She raised her eyes to his, "I escaped by the balcony numerous times, I tried to leave by stowing away on ships, by stealing boats, I even set the manor on fire once." She admitted.

William looked down at her with amazement in his eyes, "Truly? You did all those things?"

"That and more, my dear, that and more." Kathleen patted his cheek. "It is all behind me and I would leave it there for now, if that is alright with you. I just need to be alone with you for a short while, I think no one will deny us that." Kathleen shared a knowing look with him, before glancing around. "Wave at your daughter, and come with me."

She took his hand and started to lead him across the deck. The Duke looked around and saw his daughter on the top deck, her hands clasped before her, tears streaming down her face as she gazed lovingly at her parents. Her manner of dress caused the Duke's brow to quirk. He was shocked to see her in breeches and a loose shirt, her hair simply braided over her shoulder.

Despite his shock, the Duke started to smile and wave at her, but it was then that he saw a man walk up behind her and fit himself against her backside. Fully against her breeches clad backside. The man even dared so much as to slip an arm about her waist and make her step back into him. Instead of becoming outraged and at least slapping the man's cheek, his daughter covered the man's hand that rested upon her midriff with one of her own.

The Duke's smile turned to a glare and his face reddened to an angry hue. Arianna gasped and turned to Derek, burying her face in his chest.

Kathleen turned to smile at her husband and encourage him to hurry, until she saw his face and the direction of his stare.

She immediately stopped and William ran right into her, "You will cease that right now, William darling, they are betrothed after all."

William grinned at Kathleen, showing his approval of the match. "She didn't put up too much of a fight, I hope."

"A bit, but then she's our daughter. You did a fine job of choosing her a husband, my dear. Your execution of the matter, however, left a bit to be desired. Leaving our daughter with no option but to run away..." She shook her head and poked him in the chest. "You should know her better than that. It is a good thing she found me, because, you sir, need some straightening out." With one look and the sway of her hips, Kathleen lead William across the deck and down to her cabin. She opened the door, pushed the Duke inside and closed it behind them, turning the lock.

He came to her and took her by the waist with one hand and put his other behind her neck. "And you are just the one to do it aren't you, my little Kat?"

"Oh, yes." She breathed, her eyes taking on a molten green hue. "Yes, I am."

Derek's smile was as charming as it was engaging, as he turned from Captain Daniels side making his way across the gangplanks from the Merry Kathleen back to the Lady. Everything had been discussed and decided for the evening ahead.

Derek stepped down to his ship's deck and looked around for his first mate. Alejandro seemed to be conducting a tour of the Lady for the senior officers of the Kathleen's crew. Derek made his way towards the group, stopping short of joining them.

Alejandro noticed his captain awaiting his attention and excused himself from the men.


Derek turned to face away from the men his first mate had been speaking with, "I have spoken with the Kathleen's captain and everything is set for this evening."

Alejandro noted his captain's eyes unconsciously finding Arianna at the Lady's bow while he waited for his orders.

"Captain Daniels has offered to take the passengers aboard the Kathleen as our extended stay on the island has left our stores low." Derek informed him.

"Si, captain."

"Assign Cook more cabin boys. He will need them as runners to organize the efforts for the evening meal." Derek's eyes were still locked onto his bride-to-be as he continued to speak. "And have the rum cooled."

"Si, captain." Alejandro's grin was audible in his voice.

"And have the crew swab the decks, I want the Lady gleaming by sundown." Derek watched as the Duke emerged from below deck and spotted his daughter at the bow.

"Si, captain. Is there anything further?"

"Aye, would you ask Carmelita to assist my bride this evening? I would prefer she did not wear breeches while we exchange vows."

Alejandro laughed heartily and wiped the evidence of his mirth from the corners of his eyes. "Si, captain, I am sure Carmelita would be honored."

Alejandro, bemused by the frown upon his captain's brow, turned to follow his stare. Arianna was all but cowering before the Duke of Marlborough. No sign of the headstrong vixen could be found in the young girl preparing for a reprimand from her father.

Alejandro turned an amused look at his captain.

"You cannot save her from this."

A muscle in Derek's cheek twitched as he stepped forward to do exactly that.
Before Derek had taken more than three steps, however, Arianna turned and preceded her father across the gangplanks to the Merry Kathleen.


I believe we have a few things to discuss, Arianna.

Her father's words as he had approached her at the bow ran through Arianna's mind once more as she made her way to the cabin her father called his own aboard the Kathleen.

"My cabin or yours?" She had asked.

"Mine." The Duke had all but growled, his flashing silver eyes reminding her of a wolf's on the hunt.

So, now she was preceding him to the familiar cabin.

How she wished he would have allowed this discussion to take place in her own territory aboard the Lady. As it was, Arianna could not help but feel like the small girl she had once been, once again preparing to be sent off to her rooms to consider her behavior.

Arianna paused next to the cabin door as her father produced a key from his pocket, turning the lock, before he preceded her into the cabin.

Arianna followed him in and pushed the door back into it's frame, closing her eyes in trepidation as the lock clicked home.

"Do you care to explain yourself, Arianna?" William Kent asked as he poured two glasses of brandy from his decanter.

Arianna drew in a heavy breath. "What I did was foolish, I am aware, as well as selfish." She turned to face him, however as her eyes raised to her father's and she accepted the glass he extended, her self assured composure returned, "But I cannot regret my decision to leave."

William Kent's face might as well have been carved of granite as he weighed his daughter's words against the liquor in his glass. He had brought her here with every intention of chiding her for her foolishness and recklessness... But he found he could not do it.

William took a sip from his glass and used the moment to study his daughter. It was true that her manner of dress was definitely different, however there was something else about her that had changed. Her features were just the same as he had always remembered; a mirror image of her mother at the same age. But the light in her eyes, that had not wavered from his own, and the tilt to her chin, though still stubborn, held a maturity he had not seen there before.

It was then that William realized his daughter was no longer a pampered child, but a woman fully confident in herself. Apparently she was also mature enough to admit her mistakes.

The thought lifted the corner of his lips in a quirk.

"'Tis glad I am to see you safe, daughter. And your mother as well."

William held his arms out to his daughter and Arianna quickly stepped into them. Happy tears filled her eyes as her father held her close.

William pulled back, wiping at his own eyes.

"Arianna, about the betrothal.."

A happy laugh bubbled from her throat and Arianna grinned at her father. Lifting her left hand, Arianna showed him the ring that graced her third finger.

"I love Derek, father. I would not have it any other way."

William Kent once again enveloped his daughter in his arms before he pulled back and bid her, "Then show me to your young man, daughter, I would assess him with my own eyes."

Arianna drained her glass and was ecstatic to do exactly that.

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