Chapter Seventy Seven

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Derek stood at one end of the main deck and surveyed the Duchess' work. He had to admit that she had seen to far more details than he would have.

A rich black carpet had been laid across the length of the deck where he stood with Alejandro and captain Daniels. The railing of the ship was now adorned with silver linen that had been tied in interval sections causing wide half moon swoops of the fabric that made the railings resemble a decorative balustrade. Though there were no fresh flowers gracing the deck, a romantic atmosphere had been created using near to the ship's entire supply of candles, Derek was sure. The candles were strategically placed in such a way that their glow and attraction added to the beauty of the sunset behind him. The crewmen and the passengers who had been rescued stood at attention on either side of the dark carpet.

The Duchess emerged from the lower deck and made her way along the carpet to Derek. As she stepped close, Kathleen took Derek's face in her hands and smiled up at him, "Welcome to the family, Trent."

She pressed a kiss to his cheek and then stepped back to stand with Carmelita and Roman.

One of the crewmen began to play a tune upon his fife and Derek's eyes turned to the hallway that emerged from the below deck. After a moment, Derek watched as Arianna stepped out on her father's arm.

The breath left Derek's chest in a rush and his jaw fell as he was hit by the full effect of the gown that draped her curves. Shimmering silver silk clung tightly to her bodice and the narrow curve of her waist before it spread wide over her hooped panniers. The long skirt was embroidered with jet black roses that were plentiful where the skirt flowed against the deck and less abundant as they traveled up. The highest rose hugged the curve of one hip.

Her shoulders were hidden, yet simultaneously revealed, by silver lace that clung till her elbows and then flowed about beside her. The ends of the lace sleeves were trimmed in black satin. A train of the same black lined silver lace was attached at her shoulders; it's hood descending onto her forehead, it's tail sweeping three feet behind her. Small black pearls dangled at her ears, and another hung from a silver ribbon around her throat.

There were only two intelligible words that came to Derek's mind. Beautiful and mine.


"Ease your hold, daughter. Your hand upon my arm feels like a serpent constricting around its prey." The Duke admonished from the corner of his mouth.

"Oh, father. However did you choose him?"

Arianna could not tear her eyes from Derek. He stood next to Captain Daniels in black breeches and a white shirt unbuttoned slightly near the collar. Though he looked handsome, it was not his appearance that stole her breath, but rather the proud set of his shoulders and the hungry look in the cerulean eyes that never wavered from her as she strode towards him.

Before she knew it they had reached the men and her father turned to her.

"You are beautiful, my daughter." There was moisture in William's eyes as he pressed his lips to each of her cheeks. "Now go marry your young man."

"I love you, father." Arianna reached up to press a kiss to his cheek before he moved from her side to stand with his wife.

Arianna took Derek's outstretched hand and stood before him.

The words of the ceremony were a blur for Kathleen as she dabbed demurely at the tears that gathered in her eyes. If someone would have told her two months ago that she would be standing next to her husband, watching her daughter exchange vows with a man worthy of her, Kathleen would have called them daft. And yet here she was.

Kathleen lifted her eyes to her husband and found his on her. William smiled and then bent close to her ear.

"Do you remember our wedding day, my dear?"

Kathleen was instantly taken back to that day. She remembered the joy she had felt, standing before all the world, promising her heart, soul, and body to the man she loved. She nodded in the affirmative as she remembered the pride she had felt when William had promised himself to her as well.

Kathleen's eyes focused once more on her daughter. At the moment Derek was reciting his vows and Kathleen saw that same pride she remembered in the tear that rolled down her daughter's cheek and the grin that was prominent upon Arianna's lovely face.

"I remember it like it was yesterday, my love."

Kathleen lifted her eyes back to her husband and caught the tear that rolled down his cheek as Arianna spoke her vows.

"My lord, you may kiss your lovely bride." Captain Daniels spoke to Derek with reverence.

Derek wasted no time in bending Arianna over his arm. When her hand snaked around the back of his neck the crews began to whistle and yell. Derek set Arianna right on her feet once more and a pretty blush accompanied the joy written clearly across her face.

"Ladies and gentlemen," Captain Daniels spoke again, "May I present to you, The Earl and Countess of Trent!"

His last words were barely heard as the crews, and all in attendance, created a roar that was deafening.

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