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"Did this come from God's royal buffet?" Henry praised as he ate another forkful of the pasta.

"Luke helped me make it." Zoe smiled.

They were all sitting around the dining table, Zoe beside her father. On the opposite side, Harry was in front of Zoe and Luke in front of Henry. "So you cook?" Henry asked Luke. Luke took a sip of his soda, (they were too poor to buy wine so soda had to do).

"I used to help my mum cook, and with many years of helping her, I guess somethings stuck." He smiled.

"Well Zoe can't cook if her life depended on it," Henry said taking yet another big spoonful of pasta, "So I know well enough it was you doing most of the cooking."

Zoe pouted as Harry and Luke chuckled at the statement. As sad as it was, it was true. Zoe couldn't cook for nothing. It was rare that Henry would confront her about it. He would feel sympathetic about it and also because Zoe would argue with him about how stereotypical he was being with her, the whole 'Just because I'm a girl doesn't mean I have to know how to cook'. Then she goes on rambling about justifying women's rights.

Harry mostly smiled politely and ate his food avoiding any eye contact with Henry. He was nervous. Henry was a well built man. The body of a hard working construction worker. Harry was certainly tall but had the muscles of a twelve year old boy.

"So Dad," Zoe began trying to act casual. Henry swallowed his food. He knew something was up.

"You're a lesbian?" Henry blurted out. Three forks dropped. "If you are that's okay. It's legal now you know? We can have a rainbow flag outside if you want? I'll teach you some techniques of what women really want-if you know what I mean-," Zoe was about the protest, on the other hand both Luke and Harry were staring with open mouths, fighting the urge to laugh.

"Is that why these two are here? Are these you're trans friends?" At this point Luke had began to choke. Harry quickly got up and punched Luke's back trying to save a life. "Wait are they together?!" Henry exclaimed.

Luke stopped choking, and Harry choked on his saliva. Zoe decided to put an end to this. "Dad! No! Please stop rambling!" Henry stopped talking and stared at her. The table grew quiet. Zoe sighed.

"Dad we are all straight," she looked at Harry and Luke, "from what I know of."

"Hey!" Harry and Luke both protested.

"Anyway, that wasn't the point," Zoe took a deep breath He will think I'm a prostitute for sure, "Harry and Luke both have been kicked out of their homes, both with different reasons."

Zoe looked at her dad. Everyone at the table kept silent. Henry had an idea of what she was proposing whilst Harry and Luke were both sweating out of their aśs. Zoe coughed before continuing speaking. "And I was wondering if there could be a possibility if I don't know.. they could stay with us for a couple of days?"

Henry shifted his eyes to all three. He took another bite of his food, chewing thoughtfully. Zoe threw nervous glances at the boys. They all waited patiently not making a move.

"Zoe you know we can't just shelter strangers." Henry finally said.

"They are not strangers, Dad. I've known them for a while now." Zoe tried to reason.

"Really?" Henry pushed, "How long have you known them?"

Zoe gulped nervously, "A week and a half?" Henry sighed and rubbed his forehead. "Please Dad? Pretty please?" Zoe begged. Henry didn't look so convinced so Zoe decided another strategy.

"Dad you know I haven't had some real friends in a while now. You know, since the whole incident with Anthony. I know I haven't known these guys in a while, but I have really enjoyed their company so far and I want to help them. They both need somebody. Please Dad, they'll help with the rent."

Henry looked at his daughter thoughtfully. "You guys are not having sex, are you?"

Zoe gasped loudly, Luke almost fainted and Harry grew hot. All of them began protesting and proceeded about how both genders had coodies. "Sir, I'm scared of the women sex organ so I can safely say I am not having any sexual relations with your daughter."

Henry looks at him and nods in approval of his manners and formal talk. Zoe's Dad then turns to Harry who was fidgeting under the table. Harry didn't even know why he was so nervous. He never has had sex with Zoe, but the future is very scary and magical, but who knows maybe he will come to- "What about you, son?" Henry spoke slowly to Harry.

"No sir, of course not," Harry flicked his eyes to Zoe who currently looked like an ugly and sweaty red tomato, "I have not had any interactions that consist of her touching my sausage and me touching her buns."

Everyone stared at Harry.

Henry sighed, "Fine, but you will help with part of the rent if you stay longer than a month."

Everyone cheered, except for Henry of course. Zoe even got up and hugged Henry so hard his face turned red. He coughed and choked making Zoe get off of him right away and giving him some water.

Although her dad was about to die, it was alright, because Harry and Luke were gonna stay and that made her happy. For the first time in so long, she would finally have friends. Henry saw that too, it was part of why he agreed. It was a great opportunity for Zoe to be normal, not lying around and watching Netflix and farting but blaming it on their imaginary dog.

I guess it could be more of a win win.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2016 ⏰

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