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Zoe clung onto them, both each around their necks holding them close to her. Both male struggled to breath in Zoe's neck, but she could care less. She was happy. Very happy.

"O-Okay." Harry choked out while patting the girls back hoping she would back away. On the other hand, even though he was struggling to stay alive, Luke had a huge grin on his face while accepting Zoe's hug of death.

Then the reporters voice came back to Zoe's head. She quickly pulled away, pushing both boys against the brick wall. Harry clutched his neck as he tried his best to get breathing back to normal whilst Luke had a small frown on his face. "How could you steal one million dollars?" Zoe whispered in a harsh tone.

Luke and Harry both looked at her. "We haven't done anything bad since we left." Luke answered as he shook his head. Zoe looked at them both again before speaking, "Quit playing games, last night more than one million dollars were stolen from Food City."

Luke lighted up, "Oh you mean that one huge store across from your shitty work? Oh my god, that place is heaven, they water the foods and everything! Even gave out free food samples." Harry slapped the back of Luke's head then turned to Harry, "We didn't do anything."

Zoe sighed, part of her believed them, but part of her was kinda weary about the situation. Just as Zoe was trying to get everything together, a horrendous smell came to her nose. She sniffed until her nose lid to both the males in front of her.

"Holy friggers." She coughed out, "When was the last time you took a shower?"

Harry and Luke shared a look before shrugging.

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Zoe waited patiently beside a clean and shaved Luke as they waited for Harry to finish showering. As Luke was too entertained in Doctor Who, Zoe was fantasizing about Harry. Not in the sexual way.... Well maybe just a little bit.

"Luke!" Harry's voiced boomed through the house as he stomped down the hallway to where they were sitting.

Zoe quickly turned around and saw a wild Harry stomping to their way, gripping the towel on his wait. Zoe's eyes quickly widened at the exposal of his chest which were full of tattoos. The one that mostly caught her sight was the butterfly on the lower part of his stomach. Zoe made herself smaller by pushing herself against the couch when Harry got closer to them.

Harry walked around Zoe, careful not flash her his jewels and slapped Luke right across the head. Luke gasped and glared at Harry. "What was that for!"

"You got all the hot water!"

Harry wasn't really scary when he was mad... Zoe was just scared of what he'd do if she poked him. "I'm sorry! It's the first time we've had hot water in days!" Luke argued. Harry rubbed his forehead and calmed down.

Finally after growing a small pair, Zoe spoke up, "I have bathroom in my room. There might be hot water there."

Harry turned to Zoe and scratched his head nervously. "Could I?" Zoe nodded and gave him the smallest smile. He hurried to get his stuff and followed her up the stairs to the girl's room, halfway up there they both heard Luke wolf whistle. "Get some, Styles!"

"Luke! Fuck off!" Harry growled behind Zoe. At the comment, Zoe made sure to slant her back a little bit to make sure her butt looked bigger. Harry thought she needed to go the restroom.

She led him into her room. It was clean other than her messy bed. Her room had lightest grey walls, which were decorated with book shelves. 'What a nerd.' Harry thought jokingly. Zoe began to sweat nervously, she'd never had someone enter her room unless it was her dad. First of all she never really had friends most particularly boys.

Zoe opened up a door which exposed a bathroom. Harry walked in murmuring a 'Thanks'. As soon as he went in, he got out with a cheeky grin. "Nice bunny panties."

The girl turned into the most reddest color of all colors and quickly went in to get her undies and clothes from the floor, she coughed and let out a shaky 'Sorry.' The prick let out a chuckle in went in the bathroom and closed the door, but didn't lock it.

Does he want me to go in? Is this a sign? Is this some kind of boy language thing? Oh god he is into me. He wants me. Damn, I'm irresistible. Zoe thought, while Harry on the other hand was naked and fighting his life and how to turn on the shower and hot water.

Zoe giggled to herself and threw her clothes in the dirty laundry basket. Then something came up to her. She remembered how Luke said how he'd hadn't had a hot shower in days. Which those days could be even weeks. Were they runaway criminals?

Zoe made a mental note to not let them close to her secret Junk Food stash in the kitchen.

wow so boring.


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