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After finishing her delicious pizza, Zoe showered and got ready for bed. Not before blasting music in her room, dancing extremely embarrassing enough to make her neighbor, Mrs. Camacho, give her a look before closing her curtains shut. 

Zoe, laid on her bed, squeezing Mr. Hubbles, an old buffalo stuffed animal close to her chest. She knew it was childish, but it somehow seemed to help her from going insane. As Zoe laid still, she heard rustling outside her window, which was closer to the shed where Henry kept his extra tools. Ignoring the sound, she gave Mr. Hubbles a small kiss. 

▲ ▼ ▲ ▼

That morning, the clouds were still in the sky making the day look dull, causing Zoe to smile. It was weird, how people thought the day looked sad and depressing, when it made Zoe happy.

Getting dressed, Zoe stared at the news. 

"The man, apparently, seemed to have been drugged before being robbed."

Another break in. Humph, Zoe thought, How come I didn't get drugged? As you guessed, Zoe was, indeed, a feminist. 

"They stole everything! Every thing valuable to me, my wedding ring, the gold necklace my parents gifted me-"

Zoe turned off the T.V not interested in what Mr. Miller was bickering about. He practically could buy twenty other golden necklaces with his own money. Zoe would have cared if it was another person other than Mr. Miller, who most likely owned the town.

She ran down the stairs and entered the kitchen where her dad was preparing coffee. Zoe skipped over to Henry and planted a small kiss on his cheek. He smiled at her and handed her a cup of chocolate milk, knowing her disgust towards to coffee. 

"Good morning," He said to her as he added a teaspoon of sugar to his coffee mug.

"Good morning," Zoe sang sitting down, and nibbling a small muffin.

"I have to go to work, take care ok?" He said getting his stuff under his arms and going over to her and planting a small kiss on her forehead. 

"Bye." Zoe sighed.

"Bye!" He called over as he slammed the door shut. 

▲ ▼ ▲ ▼

Zoe sat slumped in her chair, a thing to do when they were no costumers in the old grocery store, which was always. Suddenly she heard the door open, and heavy steps on the old tiled floor.

"Zoe!" Mr Fred bursted through the door, her name booming through the empty building,"Where the hell are all the chips?"

At this point, Zoe was now sat up straight on her chair, staring at Mr. Freds red face, reminding her of a tomato. Although she was comparing his face to a big tomato she saw on her field trip to a garden in fourth grade, she was terrified of the giant man in front of her.

She gulped nervously as she fumbled with the end of her shirt.

"Sir, someone came in and robbed your store."

Mr. Fred was furious at the news. They stole his merchandise? How? And why didn't this girl do anything?

"And you did nothing?" He roared. He was now, literally pulling at the little hair he had to keep calm.

Zoe noticed this and quickly went to his side, still keeping in mind of his wild behavior.

"Mr. Fred, remember breath in and out. In and out." Zoe tried to demonstrate by inhaling an exhaling dramatically.

"My chips. My chips." He kept repeating.

"Happy thoughts, happy thoughts." Zoe tried her best to calm her boss. She tried everything, by giving him techniques, demonstrating, even singing.

"Come on Mr. Fred sing with me, old McDonald had a farm, e-i-e-i-o, and on that farm he had a cow," Zoe continued singing off key, until Mr. Fred finally got the tomato look off and finally sang along.

"And on that farm they had a pig, e-i-e-i-o." They sang together until done.

They stood in an awkward silence before Mr. Fred finally shuffled away. Zoe puffed out a breath and sat back down. After a while, she got bored so she began spinning in her chair. Zoe was already on the fourth round, which was now hardcore spinning.

She was busy spinning in her chair, that she didn't hear the door open. Zoe was spinning faster than the speed of light before she heard a low voice.


Surprised Zoe tried to halt to a stop, but failed terribly. The dumb brunette had forgotten to tie her shoe laces, so somehow, that only Einstein could figure out, she tripped and before she new it, she was landing face first on the floor.


ha. such a loser. lets all make fun of zoe for being a loser.

so like i noticed how boring the last three chapters are omg. it sucks so bad. 

so here is this. pls enjoy and yeah

dedicated to bae. jessiboo12 ily 

no homo

yes homo

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