The way you hurt me (w.a.)

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When Wednesday entered her dorm, back ridged, stiff steps, you almost immediately knew something was on her mind. She situated herself harshly on her seat, eyes never meeting yours once. The slight crinkle of her eyebrows and clench of your girlfriend's teeth served as a reminder that you shouldn't disturb her. A reminder that you ignored. You bookmarked the book you were reading, setting it down on her bed before getting up.

You could physically feel Wednesday tense when you set your hand on her left shoulder, looking over at what she was writing with her typewriter.

"You should get some rest." You murmured, clearly seeing the dark circles under her eyes.

"No. I don't need any." Wednesday responded almost instantaneously.

"How about you slow down for today so you can sleep, then you can start fresh tomorrow early in the morning?" You said, attempting to reason with her.

Her eyebrows furrowed and she blankly stared at the keys on the typewriter for a quick second before ignoring you and returning back to typing.

You sighed, stroking her clothed back and began "I know you want to clear up the case, but-"

The sharp sound of her wooden chair against the floor brought you back. You looked up to see Wednesday striding towards the exit of her dorm room. When Wednesday opened the door, she came face to face with none other than Enid Sinclair.

"Hey! Wednesday! Y/n! I was just looking for you where are you headed?" She exclaimed, clasping her hands together, clearly not noticing the tension present in the room.

"I'm leaving for the library, as I obviously can not have any personal time to myself since someone pronounced themselves as an underlying annoyance to me." Wednesday snarled, hinting the latter was you.

Enid audibly gasped, her eyes flitting towards you, attempting to assess your reaction.

You were stunned to say the least. You had thought of yourself to be a burden to Wednesday to some extent, but hearing her flatly say it out was like a sharp needle being stuck into your stomach.

"I was just trying to help?" You sputtered once you regained your voice.

Wednesday turned to face you. Her fists clenched and unclenched, her eyebrows furrowed as she stared straight at you.

"Helping me does NOT include presenting yourself as a disturbance to my work. Instead, you can assist me by taking your leave, as you are not much of a HELP in this circumstance."

The blood rushed to your head, but only one thought was on your mind: to fire back at her.

"If HELPING you does not include me caring for your HEALTH, how you are FEELING, then what is it? Because last time I-"


"Then I'm sorry I'm such a disturbance to your work. If you just told me that, then I would've happily obliged."

"Well maybe you should just leave now. You ARENT providing any help right now and I suspect you won't be much in the future either." She spat out. "Honestly Y/n I'm tired of you. You act as if you know the best for me. Hence, I have a word for you. You DON'T. I don't appreciate how it couldn't get through to you. I don't NEED your help. In fact, the most help you could offer would be for you to just GO."

Each word stated was like a metal stake stabbing you repeatedly in the abdomen. The blood rushed to your cheeks and your heartbeat resounded as the only thing distracting you.

Wednesday's face was flush red and her chest heaved up and down rapidly as she breathed heavily.

She intensely stared back into your eyes, full of unshed tears, finding it to be a mixture of anger, despair, but mostly hurt. Wednesday softened for a bit but snapped right back when you started walking towards her.

You passed by Enid who shot you a look wordlessly inquiring 'You okay?' In which you nodded yes.

The door closed with a thud and Wednesday could faintly hear your footsteps getting fainter as you descended the hall.

After a few minutes of silence, Enid started- "Wednesday why would you say that to Y/n? She's your girlfriend of course she would care about you."

Wednesday didn't respond, instead choosing to sit back at her desk to finish her writing. Enid sighed before grabbing her coat and heading out presumably to catch up with you. In the spur of the moment Wednesday honestly couldn't care unless both of you were out of her hair.

Hours passed and Enid had not yet returned to her and Wednesday's dorm. Wednesday could not bring herself to reach out to you, feeling as if her pride came first in this situation. The moment didn't last long when she finished brushing her teeth and changing her outfit to a more fitting one to sleep. Wednesday moved towards her bed only to find it tousled from before with your book still sitting firmly on it. Her eyes burned holes into her book, dissociating herself while she thought of the events that happened throughout today. Bile surfaced to her throat when she remembered the look you gave her before leaving the room.

Wednesday curled up into her sheets, eager to swallow the regret she had for you down. When she reached up to place your book on her nightstand, that was when she really knew she messed up. On her dresser sat a note with a container of assorted fruits saying:

Don't stay up too late and don't forget to eat!! I snuck these out of the cafeteria for you incase you get hungry.

Eat well!!

Love you


Can someone tell me why tumblr is like blocking my posts or smth bc I posted this like a few and I js never got anything UNLESS im like super overthinking ir and its normal to not get any notes for yr first post 😭

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