The way you heal me (w.a.)

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The way you hurt me (pt. 2)

You stormed out of Wednesday and Enid's dorm, footsteps leaving a trail of desolation in his wake. If your tears weren't flowing before they definitely were now. You swung open the door to your dorm, quietly hoping your room safe wasn't around to see you in your current state. Your request was fulfilled as she was nowhere in sight.

Flinging yourself on your bed was a bad idea - Wednesday's scent still lingered on the sheets from the night before; a thought that urged more tears to spill. A quiet knock resounded from the door; one in which you ignored. If they really needed you they could send you a voice message on your phone. But they never left - the knocks persisted as you attempted to block out the noise with music in the background.

Grumbling, you stood up and pulled the door open to reveal Enid Sinclair. She gave you a look of pity when she saw your disheveled state before asking "can I come in?". Wordlessly nodding, you opened the door a bit wider so she could slip in. You sat back down at your bed, hearing the door click before the soft padding of socks came towards you. You were grateful Enid sat right next to you as you opted to lean your head on her shoulder.

A couple of deafening minutes passed before Enid spoke up "Sooo.. what happened back there?".

She could feel you physically stiffen before groaning. You picked at the skin near your fingernails, not feeling the need to answer her question at the moment.

"You don't have to tell me Y/n; whatever you feel comfortable with saying is fine."

You stayed quiet for a bit before speaking up, voice rasping as you did so. "I was just trying to get her to take a break Enid."

"I understand that Y/n; Wednesday can always be a little stubborn."

"She said it like I was pathetic for caring about her health." You spat out the word while grimacing.

Enid sighed, grabbing your arm to make you look at her. "Listen, Wednesday doesn't think you're pathetic and you should be the first person to know so. I've seen the way she looks at you - like you're the star of the world. So, instead of subjecting yourself to these deteriorating thoughts, how about we talk about how she shows she loves you?"

You seemed to contemplate her idea prior to obliging.

"She does this thing when I'm upset with something - like she kisses my ring finger to comfort me I don't know how to explain"

"Great! So how does that make you feel?"

"Like I'm the only one she looks at" You say, cringing at your words.

"Because you are she only looks at you and when you enter, she stares at you like you're the only one in the world. It's kinda creepy to be honest.."

"Enid she also looks at you, Yoko and Bianca I'm not the only person she knows."

"Okay but I swear she looks at you differently like I'm being real here she looks at everyone else the same but with you it's not the same. And you're her girlfriend for crying out loud!"

You chuckle a bit before frowning right after. "Then why did she.."

"Y/n it could be from the stress, the pressure, or even in the spur of the moment! I don't know, but I definitely know that she didn't mean it. Wednesday would never say that without a reason. She even tells me you're the love of her life; the one that keeps her going. But enough of that - how else do you know she loves you?

"Well she also calls me Y/n/n but don't tell her cause she will get mad.."

The night was full of laughter with a few breakdowns before turning right back up with the faint music playing from the disc in your room.

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