24/7 (j.o.)

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Altramentous midnights at 00:00 slurring words as you giggled with your arms wrapped tightly around her rambling on about how your girlfriend was ethereal.

Deafening silence at 01:00 laying in bed with her lazily combing your hair with her hands as she silently reviewed her script.

Awakening in the middle of the dusk at 02:00 in her warm embrace, nestling your head further into her chest while she subconsciously pulled you closer.

Late nights at 03:00 with her drawing shapes on your damp back as you came down from your high as she gave you a dopey smile.

Insomniac twilight at 04:00 with sloppy kisses being shared with her arms wrapped around your waist as your teeth nipped against her lips leaving the faint taste of midnight tea.

Early mornings at 05:00 dressing up quietly to not wake you up before planting a sweet kiss on your forehead and leaving to film.

Alluring sunrises at 06:00 spent sipping warm milk with your head in the crook of her neck as she brushed her finger pads along your bare back.

Forenoon dew at 07:00, her urging you to get up with a mellow hold on you as she continuously planted firm kisses against your jawline slowly teasing her way up to her earlobe causing you to crack a smile.

Sweet daybreak at 08:00 with her sitting on the counter stealing pieces of your pancake as you prepared coffee for the both of you.

Light dawn at 09:00 with the rasp in her voice muttering breathy love notes in your ear as you scrolled through your phone.

Hushed smiles at 10:00 while posting each other on their Instagram account with cute stickers highlighting the other's favorite feature.

Pale light drowning you at 11:00 studying for your finals with your hair pulled in a messy bun and round glasses perched on your nose while she shared a hot cut of tea with you.

Spontaneous noon at 12:00, her calling you from set just to hear your voice and quiet whispers of I love you.

Laughter exchanges at 13:00 with her trying to find her sweater only to see you wearing it in your recently posted story.

Beautiful love at 14:00 nursing her by bedside as she sneezed from her fever while whining at you to get closer to her.

Quaint afternoons at 15:00 taking a long drive along the river with her in the passenger seat taking candid photos of both you and the perfect scenery.

Serene fog at 16:00 stealing hard candy from her by scooping it out from her mouth before planting a pure kiss on her cheek as she stared at you with furrowed eyebrows.

Chaotic festivals at 17:00 dragging her through the crowd, linked by joined hands, to meet up with mutual friends.

Stressful evenings at 18:00 made better when she showed up with warm coffee to strike up small talk while you strummed the guitar staring straight into her eyes.

Picturesque shorelines at 19:00 linking pinkies at isolated picnics with your head in her lap while you both watched the sun setting over the horizon.

Frustrating steam at 20:00 cooling down after a monotonous day as you washed away the worries while she drew small pictures in the fog of the glass shower.

Blissful ignorance at 21:00 with a random romcom playing in the background as you both clashed teeth in pure desperation to reach the other, leaving the movie to be forgotten.

Luminous flickers at 22:00 both of you lying on your backs as you gazed at the stars while she scanned your side profile, blushing a deep red when caught.

Sultry starlight at 23:00 spent taking in her disheveled state - hair tousled, mouth slack, shut eyes, and loving marks scattered across while you treasured her entire body.

7 days every week spent cherishing the relationship built on icebergs.

168 hours every week spent exploring every inch of her perfect figure.

10,080 minutes every week spent comforting her through every blemish in life.

604,800 seconds every week spent dedicating your life to loving Jenna Ortega.

Not reread so lmk any mistakes in writing
Thank you for reading <3

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2023 ⏰

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