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"4.0: Dinner From Hell"

Dinner was simple. The atmosphere was calm, for now... 

"Enjoying the food, Soobin ?", Soon-Bok said laying a hand on top of Soobin'. She was trying her hardest to be more affectionate with her son. Soobin smiled answering, "음식이 맛있어요, 엄마. 맛있어요." (The food is delightful, Mom. Delicious.)

Kai chimed in happily, "Really good, Miss Choi." Soobin' grandfather chimed in. "어떻게 지내셨어요, 내 딸? 전화 한 번 안 하셨잖아요." (How have you been, my daughter ? You haven't called in sometime.)

Soon-Bok smiled, but it was clear she was uncomfortable. "I've been busy, Dad. I am sorry I don't call more." Soobin stopped his grandfather before anything escalated, "회사는 어때요, 할아버지? 몇몇 직원들이 아직도 귀찮습니까?" (How is the company doing, grandpa ? Still a hassle with some of the employees ?)

Soon-Bok laughed as she answered sarcastically. "You still run the company ? Why ?" Her mother intervened. "Why wouldn't your father still be running the company ? You know he's always loved running it."

Soon-Bok laughed as she pointed her fork in the direction of her father. "네가 내 상황을 덮어줄 수 있었기 때문에 우리 모두는 네가 그 회사를 사랑한다는 것을 알고 있어, 아빠 이건 체면이 중요한 거야 사랑이 아니라." (We all know you love that company because you were able to cover up my situation, Dad. This is about saving face. Not love.) Kai grabbed Soobin' hand under the table. The situation was getting out of hand quickly. 

Her mother sighed as she looked at her daughter. "Your father & I do love you, Soon-Bok ah. What happened doesn't meant we love you any less." Soobin spoke up once more. He was going to try to get through to his mother. "If you love me... You'll stop. Grandma & grandpa have done nothing wrong, Mom. We all lo--"

He was cut off by his mother as the fork she previously held flew past him cutting his left cheek, right under his eye. "당신은 나에게 사랑에 대해 말할 수 없습니다! 당신은 절대로 말할 수 없는 사람입니다! 당신의 아버지가 우리가 지금 이 상황에 있는 이유입니다!" (You don't get to speak to me about love ! You are the last person who should be talking ! Your father is the reason we are in this situation now !)

His grandma lead him & Kai out as as her husband followed. Dr. Park seeing them out as she went to handle Soobin' mother. Silent. No one spoke on their way back. Luckily, it wasn't so late. Soobin brought Kai with him to the park that was a good hang out spot.

The park was brought to life by twinkly lights & a warm breeze wafted through the air. It wasn't necessarily a party going on, but the park was filled with people mingling. Soobin' attention was caught by someone. A guy. The guy exuded charisma & seemed completely in his element. Many stared at this guy in particular. He was captivating. His friend being just as much the center of attention.

Soobin got Kai a soda and munched on some snacks. Then the two captivating boys decided to talk to them... 

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