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"9.0: Kiss, Kiss, Kiss, Kiss Me"

The five boys have begun hanging out more together. Were things still a bit awkward ? Yes, but that didn't mean the five of them couldn't have the fun this vacation required. Feelings. Emotions can't always be reciprocated, but they can be complicated. Things just happen or they don't. Not everything can be within someone' control.

Soobin baked with Yeonjun while Kai, Taehyun, & Beomgyu hung around doing their own things. Today they were spending the day at Beomgyu' place.

"You have a little...", Yeonjun said laughing. Soobin pouted as he rolled his eyes. "뭐라고요? 제 얼굴에 뭐가 있죠?" (A little what ? What is on my face ?) Yeonjun laughed more as he pointed to Soobin' cheek that had a little cupcake batter on it. "Would you just get it already ?"

The teasing banter between them was obvious. They also were getting this time alone as the other three were to wrapped up in their own situations alongside feelings. Soobin wiped at his cheek still somehow missing the batter. Even managing to smear a bit more onto his face.

Yeonjun grinned as he got closer to Soobin & wiped it for him. The tension between them wasn't like before. It was still flirty, but also a bit of uncharted territory. Neither of them wanted to do something that would potentially scare the other.

Soobin awkwardly laughed causing him to fall onto Yeonjun who caught him. "음.. 음... 그럴까요?" (Um.. uh...Should we ?) Yeonjun immediately knew what Soobin was hinting at. He leaned in & captured Soobin' lips with his own. The kiss was small & sweet. Was completely intimate between them & not a somewhat joke like their kisses before. It lasted a few minutes before they stared into the eyes of the other.


Beomgyu talked with Taehyun. The air was warm with a light breeze. "결정했어요, 태현 씨. 카이 씨랑 한번 해보고 싶어요." (I decided, Taehyun. I want to give things a try with Kai.) Taehyun rolled his eyes as he stood against the tree he had been standing under. "Why ? Because I cancelled on you ?"

Beomgyu sighed as he knew he should care about Taehyun' feelings, but there was also Kai' feelings to take into account. "Kai' feelings matter, Taehyun. I am a bit surprised you're fighting for us without considering his feelings."

Taehyun sighed as he took in what Beomgyu just said. He did care. He always would care about Kai & what he was feeling. Taehyun just didn't see why he should ignore how he felt because he didn't want to hurt Kai. "So why are you giving Kai a chance ? I feel like I need an answer to that. Don't you think ?"

Beomgyu sighed once more as Taehyun held his hand. He'd always care about Taehyun. This much was true. He didn't miraculously just give up on caring for Taehyun. Beomgyu however needed to be honest with why he's made the decision he has made. "어려웠습니다. 저희가 너무 불편해서 시작하기가 이렇게 힘들면 안 돼요. 저희 관계가 얼마나 힘들었으면 살아남지 못했을 거예요. 미안해요, 태현 씨가 더 편할 뿐이에요." (It was difficult. Things have been too uneasy with us. A relationship shouldn't be this hard to start. We never would've survived with how hard this relationship was on us. I'm sorry, it is just easier with him, Taehyun.)

Taehyun dropped Beomgyu' hand as he put on a smile. It was clearly a fake smile, but he wasn't willing to admit that. Holding back tears he sighed as he said, "I get it...See you around ?" Nothing much was said between the two before Beomgyu went to talk with Kai.


"Just the person I was looking for...", Beomgyu said taking a seat next to Kai. He smiled as Kai looked from where he sat as Soobin & Yeonjun still seemed to be in their own world in the kitchen. "I saw you spoke with Taehyun hyung... How did that go ?"

Beomgyu grabbed his hand. Slowly rubbing his thumb over Kai' knuckles. "그것은 될 수 있는 대로 되었다. 태현이는 우리가 지금 어디에 있는지 알아요. 카이, 내가 너랑 데이트 해보고 싶다는 걸 알아." (It went as well as it could go. Taehyun knows where we stand now. He knows I want to try dating you, Kai.) Kai would be lying if he said he wasn't conflicted. He was both happy & sad with this news.

He was excited that he would be given the chance of a relationship with Beomgyu, but he also knew Taehyun would hide how he truly felt about everything. That he would just act as if nothing happened. Keep his feelings to himself.

Kai smiled as his eyes slowly drifted to Taehyun outside on the phone with someone. "Hyung--", he started as Beomgyu gently made him look him in the eyes. Both of their hearts beating faster as the space between them got small & smaller. A peck. It was quick & not a big deal. A simple kiss shared between them. Something Kai could have of his own no matter how Taehyun felt.

This was it...

Soon enough the five were hanging out watching movies, eating cupcakes, & everything was fine for a few moments. The moments between the five were just starting & it was full of all kinds of memories for them each to cherish.

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