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(A/N: Longest Chapter Yet !)
"8.0: Friendship On Broken Foundation"

Soobin sat with Taehyun & Kai. Beomgyu left with Yeonjun shortly after Taehyun' outburst. It was now the middle of the night. Everyone in the house was assumed to be sleeping. Besides it has only been a month into the vacation.

"You do realize you caused a scene, right ? You also were acting like a child, Taehyun." Soobin said knowing well that Taehyun was being a bit outrageous. How is his relationship with Beomgyu supposed to surpass the value of Kai' relationship with Beomgyu ? Taehyun rolled his eyes, but there was some look that said he did care about how Kai felt about it all.

"왜요? 왜 부끄럽지 않아요, 형? 범규형이 저를 좋아해요. 제가 카이에게 범규형이 저를 좋아한다고 말한 게 어떻게 제 잘못인가요?" (Why ? Why do I need to feel ashamed, hyung ? Beomgyu hyung likes me. How is it my fault that I told Kai that Beomgyu hyung likes me ?) Soobin sighed as he pointed at Taehyun. "That isn't the point, Taehyun. Not only did you embarrass Beomgyu today... you also embarrassed Kai... Your best friend..."

Kai interjected completely upset. Taehyun didn't care about how any of this would make him feel. This was about Taehyun wanting to prove a point to not only Beomgyu, but to Kai as well. "형, 형, 저랑 같이 있는 범규 형의 연기에 대해 뭔가 느낌이 들더니 이렇게 연기를 하게 됐는데 왜 이런 상황에서 형의 감정이 중요해요? 제가 느끼는 감정은 어떤가요?" (You obviously don't care how I feel, hyung. You felt some kind of way about how Beomgyu hyung acted with me and you decided to act like this. Why does your feelings matter in this situation ? What about how I feel ?) Taehyun would've tried to prove his point again if Soobin didn't interject for the last time of the night.

"You're not enemies & you're not friends. Let's just leave this before you both end up doing something you regret. Okay ?" Kai slept with Soobin & Taehyun took the other bed alone. 

Come morning Soobin went out with his grandparents which left Kai & Taehyun alone for a few hours. "Slept well ?", Kai asked Taehyun as they had breakfast. They needed to at least act cordial while within the same space after the events of the other day. Taehyun responded after yawning. They were both slowly still waking up to some extent. "I did. You ?"

Kai gave a tiny smile as he nodded. Things were a bit awkward, but not completely unbearable. "했어요. 조금 힘들어도." (I did. Even if it was a bit difficult.) Silence. Breakfast was eaten in complete silence.

It wasn't long until both were out by the pool exchanging different texts with Beomgyu, the man the drama seems centered around...


🐯: Still upset ?
🐧: 조금. 태현이가 이렇게 유치하게 굴다니. (A little. I just can't believe Taehyun hyung is being so childish.)
🐯: How do you feel, Kai ? I know Taehyun had exposed a lot last night.
🐧: To be honest, I felt blindsided last night. We aren't a thing, but I thought we were friends, hyung. Why didn't you ever tell me anything ?
🐯: 나는 항상 태현을 좋아할 것입니다. 하지만 나는 당신을 좋아합니다. 우리 사이에 있는 것들을 최소한 한 번만이라도 해볼 수 있을까요? (I will always like Taehyun... but I like you. Can we at least give what is between us a real try ?)

Kai thought it over for a few moments. Was he willing to try knowing he'd still be up against Taehyun ? Was he going to put himself through this ?

Kai texted one last time before diving into the pool.

🐧: Fine. We'll give us a try, hyung...


🐻: You really made a mess of things, Taehyun...
🐿: 그래요? 제가 일을 망쳤나요, 형? (Have I ? Have I messed things up for you, hyung ?) 
🐻: 당신은 그때 당신이 질투해서 당신의 친구를 잃을 의향이 있습니까? 그것이 당신이 원하는 것입니까? (Are you willing to lose your friend because your jealous then ? Is that what you want ?)
🐿: You have a decision to make then, hyung. Let's just see where it goes... I mean do you not like me anymore ?

The conversation ended there as Taehyun dived into the pool. Beomgyu hadn't responded & Taehyun wasn't going to wait on it. Kai & Taehyun remained in a friendly place by time Soobin arrived. He arrived with Yeonjun laughing at something. Soobin sat on the edge of the pool as Yeonjun entered the house. 

"This isn't a problem, right ? I didn't want Yeonjun to feel... neglected." Kai smirked pointing at Soobin, "You deserve a bit of happiness. I don't mind Yeonjun hyung hanging out." Taehyun nodded as he tapped Soobin' knee, "I don't mind either. We'll have our day with you some other time."

Soobin smiled gratefully as Mr. Son was bringing his grandparents in. His grandmother giving the three boys a adoring smile. She has always adored their close friendship. Yeonjun soon joined them, taking his seat beside Soobin. 

"So what is it ? You have never been good at keeping secrets," Taehyun questioned seeing that Soobin wasn't uncomfortable but he did look anxious. Soobin sighed as he filled his friends in. "My grandfather says he will be holding a big party at the end when we leave. It will also be the last night I see my mom potentially for a while..."

Yeonjun grabbed Soobin' hand as he said what they were all thinking. Even if Yeonjun had no real context about Soobin' mother, "저는 모든 것이 순조롭게 진행될 것이라고 확신합니다. 수빈 씨. 친구들이 있잖아요. 가장 중요한 것은 제가 있잖아요. 알겠어요?" (I'm sure everything will go smoothly, Soobin. You have your friends. Most importantly, you have me. Okay ?)

A sweet sentiment, but just that... a sentiment.

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