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"10.0: Sweet Sorrow"

Last Night Of The Trip...

The party was in full swing. Soon-Bok was in attendance, but mostly kept to her herself. Soobin broke away from his friends as he went to talk with his mother. "Enjoying it so far ?" Soon-Bok smiled as she looked at Soobin. She knew blaming him for what his father had done was wrong, but her son was not the problem. She was. 

"전에 어떻게 이런 파티에 참석했어요, 아들아?" (How did you manage attending these parties before, my son ?) Soobin smiled as he chuckled a bit before letting his mother in on his secret. "I usually kept some sweets stashed & locked myself in my room after these kinds of parties. Just some fun I could have of my own..."

"Sounds like you've had your share of fun. I saw you with some friends earlier, I like seeing you smile. I am grateful that you seem to be doing well." Soobin grabbed his mother' hand as he could see she looked remorseful. "난 항상 네가 필요해, 알았지? 난 엄마가 필요해..." (I am always going to need you, okay ? I am need my mom...) This made Soon-Bok tear up as she caressed Soobin' face affectionately. Soon enough she sent Soobin back to his friends. He deserved to have as much fun as he could.

Taehyun had been sitting in the corner when Kai joined him. He smiled, but it wasn't really what he wanted to be doing at the moment. "I never asked how you'd feel, hyung... For that I am sorry." Kai apologized when really there was no need to. This situation was not his fault & it honestly made Taehyun feel worse. "나한테 사과할 필요 없어, 카이. 네 감정을 무시해서 미안해." (You don't need to apologize to me, Kai. I am sorry I dismissed your feelings.) 

Kai would've continued if Taehyun didn't redirect the conversation. "Are you happy ? How are things ?" He hated hearing about Beomgyu with Kai, but he did care about how Kai was feeling. Regardless, Kai was his best friend. They can't let this situation completely ruin them. "I am happy. I liked being here this summer with Soobin hyung & his family. We should do trips together more often."

Soobin called them over as he set up a more chill space for them in the room he shared with Taehyun & Kai. Movies, laughs, candy, sitting close to whoever you wanted to... The night was young & full of fun. 

The party soon dwindled down a while ago as Soobin woke up beside Yeonjun. Kai snuggled up to Beomgyu. Taehyun taking a spot on the floor as far from the rest as he could be, his phone clutched tightly in his hand. He nudged Yeonjun awake to follow him out to the backyard.

"I know we never talked about it... but happens now ? What happens to us ?", Soobin brought himself to ask as he thought over their trip. He's loved this trip & loved getting to know Yeonjun. He's even made a new friend in Beomgyu. 

Yeonjun looked a bit uncomfortable with the question but decided to answer him anyway. "아무 일도 일어나지 않아요 당신은 당신의 길을 가고 나는 내 길을 갑니다 여기서 끝납니다." (Nothing. Nothing happens. You go your way and I go mine. This is where it ends.) Soobin teared up as he couldn't understand why Yeonjun was saying these things. Had he not been as happy as Soobin has been these last few months ? "What ? W-what do you mean, hyung ?"

Yeonjun grabbed his hands as he said his next few words to Soobin. This was the end, but not truly an end. "We'll always have this, Soobin. But we need to be realistic, you & I are in totally different places in our lives... In order for this to work, we need to be serious. We need to both be in better places before we truly dedicate our time to a relationship."

Soobin understood. How could he not understand ? He hugged Yeonjun before going back inside. As for Yeonjun, he wasn't like Beomgyu. He was not willing to put Soobin in a relationship he wasn't entirely sure he'd maintain either. It hurt, but he couldn't potentially put Soobin through that. He can't do that to him. 

Soobin barely made it back to the room when Taehyun pulled him close whispering as Soobin sobbed, "믿음을 가져요, 형. 앞으로 더 좋아질 거예요. 저는 여러분을 위해 여기 있어요." (Have faith, hyung. It will get better from here on out. I am here for you.)

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