Awkward return

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The next day as usual Jake had to wake up to go to school, he woke up and yawned as he rubs his eyes trying to process what happened yesterday. He is completely unsure of what he can do now that he has to continue going to class after the drake up.. Jake gets changed in his usual clothes and went downstairs to eat his breakfast and went to school.

Jake was still over thinking about the situation.. as he laid a foot inside of the school he took a deep breath and thought to himself

Jake: Don't worry... you got this...

Jake enters the music club, Milly jumps onto Jake to hug him as the others notice and chuckle a little. Jake makes a little woah! Sound and hugs Milly back

Milly: Jake! Milly was as energetic as always

Jake: Im not going anywhere don't worry.. chuckles

Luke: Guys guys let's now stop playing and practice

Sean: snickers  What if after school I take y'all out someplace special?

Everyone seemed curious about it and even excited so they all gladly accepted. After they practiced Jake left the music club and went on to his next class, tho he was still thinking about how awkward could it be since he's in some classes with Drew and the others.. as Jake walked over to his class he noticed Drew sitting in the back, not where he usually sits.... Jake sits where he always does. The whole class he felt very uncomfortable and had a very bad feeling, he obviously tried focusing and after it ended he left the class. Jake sighed as he walked over to his locker and grabbed some books for the next class, Jake spots Henry and Liam down the hall speaking to each other. They didn't look very happy and Jake obviously thought that it was because of the situation.

Jake: I wish I could try and talk to them.. Jake said to himself knowing if he did they might just ignore him of even worse, completely reject him and tell him they hate him for who he is. 

It was like this for some classes, during third period Jake noticed that Drew looked pretty bad taken cared of.. he had eye bangs as if he didn't sleep, and his hair was a bit messy. Jake was concerned and again wished he could talk to him, class ends Jake leaves and gets a text from Hailey.

Hailey: Sean just gave us the location!!! :D 

Zander: We'll meet there at 5:00 pm then 

Jake reads the message. He smiles a little, Meanwhile with Henry and Liam.... Henry grabbed Liam's hand and took him to a more less crowded place

Liam: What's up? he asks obviously curious

Henry: Well... its j-just about Drew's... situation.. Henry puts his hands behind his head and he looks down, Liam of course sighs and a few seconds later he looks back at him

Liam: Henry.. I know how you feel, we lost our best friend... but I don't think theres even a chance of him wanting to talk to us.. he said with no hope

Henry: A-are you forgetting for how long he's been with us..!? Henry snapped a little he's usually the loud and talkative friend so it was quite surprising how he was defending jake

Liam: ... I-I never forgot.. but it's just.. He sighs again out of words

Henry: Well I don't wanna sit here and do nothing about this.. Drew doesn't even talk to us, he's always in the clouds and he's obviously still sad about the whole situation! Henry said obviously meaning everything he says. Liam's eyes soften..

Liam: ... You're right.. his voice changes to a more determined one  We have to do something..

Henry: I think we can start off by trying to talk to Jake... 

Liam: I think its better if you try first.. He said with a small smile, Henry's eyes light up a little he sighs and hugs Liam. Liam didn't expect him to act all soft all of sudden, he blushes a little bit of embarrassment  you dummy.. he chuckles a little and hugs him back

Later that day with Jake he went up to meet with the others it was an aquarium, of course they ended up splitting up because Milly wanted to the other animals and Zander too.. Milly went with Hailey, Zander and Luke together and Jake and Sean were together. As Jake and Sean were just continuing their path and seeing other type of animals. Sean noticed somethings off 

Sean: Hey Jake... you okay..? He knew something was off

Jake: h-huh oh- me? He was overthinking again and his head in the clouds

Sean: Cmon Jake, you can tell me

Jake: sigh ... It's just about.. well.. he crosses one arm and looks down for a moment thinking what to say, he's afraid that sean might think bad about him

Sean: Its about Drew isn't it? Sean could presence it was about the situation

Jake: Y-yeah... Jake didn't wanna get all sentimental and less when they're all having a good time  I- I just miss him..

Sean: he puts his hands on his pockets Listen I know I shouldn't intervene into your friendships but im sure he misses you.. Jake looks at Sean his eyes soften

Jake: You think so..? his voice lowers a little

Sean: Im very sure for the person he is he had a soft spot for you, but his jealousy took over him. I usually wouldn't say this type of stuff because he used to bully us.. but, he's your friend.. and im willing to help you, doesn't matter who he is.. sean places his hand on Jake's shoulder, Jake's smile appears again. Just then Milly comes running behind them, Jake flinches as Milly and Hailey walks over to catch over

Hailey: Geez Milly! You cannot be running so fast! She was trying to catch her breath, Sean and Milly chuckle. After some hours they all had a great time. And Jake kept in his head what sean said to him.. maybe he was right... but..

Does Drew really care for him...?

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