Episode 16-Shape of Nya

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The Monastery was more desolate than ever.

Pixal led Skylor into Kai's room, placing the box of belongings on the side of the bed.

Pixal slightly grimaced as she saw the messy bed Skylor was given, but Skylor seemed to tolerate it, much to her relief.

She adjusted her silver bangs, embarrassingly smiling, "You can sleep in this room for now. I'm sure Kai would be the one who's fine with that."

Skylor pretended that she didn't hear that, thanking her as she started cleaning up Kai's mess. "It's not the bedroom I'm worried about," She sighed, "it's Nya."

Pixal sat on the bed beside her. She could see Nya's silhouette training through the closed curtain. She had been training her body every single day since she returned. She said it was for her to adapt to the muscles and biological movements, but doing the training course for hours straight, plus other workouts and long runs, she'd be exhausted to the brink of death, at least she should be.

"How long hasn't she slept?" Skylor asked.

"Since waking up from returning human," Pixal said, "not even once."

Nya had found her family and was no longer lonely. She must be lucky to return to a time when they were still alive and well, but she couldn't help but feel a lingering feeling that dragged her down.

"I am Nya, I am the sea. And the sea is Nya." She repeated to herself while effortlessly leaping through the training course as if it were no big deal, "But I am no longer the sea, so—"

A smack threw Nya straight towards the wall.

Physical pain sprang all around her body, but Nya didn't seem to care.

"—What am I?"

"You," Wu walked towards her with a cup of tea in his hand, "You are Nya."

Nya stared blankly at Master Wu.

"That was merely the name from Nyad. Without her, my name is of no worth." Nya's pain all over her body couldn't stop her from standing up.

"Yes." Wu smiled, "You are correct."

Nya stared at him, "So I am worthless?"

Wu chuckled, gesturing to her to follow his way inside, "I did not say such a thing. I said: without our ancestors, we are nothing."

"You say that so calmly." She noted as the two entered the Monastery, into Wu's bedroom in which was found a board full of paperclips. Whether this was Wu's way of distracting her out of training or not, she wanted to know more about him.

"Would you call someone without reaching her true power as worthless?" The old man spoke as he arranged the other paperclips on his bed.

"It depends on whether she can unlock it."

"And who is that to decide?"

She stared blankly at the old man's back, "The person herself."

Wu smiled back, "You, my Nya, are not unwise. You are lost."

Nya left the old man, returning to training once more.

She had no time to ponder such things. She stepped out of the Monastery, sitting down by the rocks as she stared at the sky. It was ineffable to describe feeling human, feeling physical, feeling mortal. Nevertheless, it was her choice. But she couldn't help but feel disconnected. She knew she belonged here, yet her lost memories had only given clues and fragments of experience. They were like dreams that only existed in her imagination.

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