Episode 22-Dominion of Darkness

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The explosions from the screens scorched Lloyd's retinas, etching deeply into his broken mind.

He felt numb.

And his limbs failed.

And he dropped on the cage floor, kneeling down with his empty eyes staring at the nothingness below him.

He could barely hear Harumi's voice from the distance. It was like a crow screaming again, again and again.

Flashes of memories crossed his eyes. It was as if he had died with them.

Weakness as the Golden Master stole his power

Powerlessness without control over his possessed body

Pain in his heart as what remained of his Father beaten him to near death

Emptiness as his younger self scavenged the deserts

Madness caused by his broken heart from a malicious facade

Grief as those he knew left him

Suffering as he, in a cage, was lowered to the boiling lava of the Volcano

Darkness as he felt the Oni within him

"Blast sap was deadly, but defenseless." Harumi smiled broadly, "So I designed a better bomb, and it seems they are an improvement."

Lloyd could barely hear her speech, eyes hollow and dark as he slowly looked at her.

His destroyed eyes glared at the white and the red of her face as it approached him.

Saliva and tears trickled down the Green Ninja—

He growled.

He bellowed.

His vocal cords screamed and strained with the sound of a demon—

The voice of an Oni

"With every ounce of my blood," His voice was guttural, demonic, like a being of pure darkness and anger and bloodlust, "I will resist you!!" Glowing purple wrapped around Lloyd's eyes as he bashed at the cage like a feral monster with all sense lost.

The cage started swinging and oscillating much more than before, as Lloyd's battered limbs crashed on it without any sensible thought. Nothing but rage crackled in his brain, every heartbeat, every fire of a nerve, every contraction of a muscle, it was all rage.

The Vengestone door crashed open with Lloyd rushing out like a wolf for revenge.

Harumi smiled with delight, seeing the light in him completely gone. Mr. F charged into battle, but he was certainly no match against the dark shadow Lloyd had become, showing nothing but the deep glow of Oni violet in his dual eyes.

A single kick with a painful growl sent Mr. F's body slamming onto the screen. Hadn't he upgraded his skin, his old rusted body would have been destroyed into pieces from the kick itself.

"Just like your father," Harumi awakened the darkness within her, coursing through her veins as her eyes glowed in crystal purple, letting it empower her to resist Lloyd's powerful, yet unmastered form, "Conflict makes you stronger!" She grabbed her overgrown crystalised katana, deflecting the heavy cage door Lloyd threw with a single toss.

Lloyd leapt onto the rock wall as he spun a tornado of Destruction at her, landing a blow that chopped the katana in half as he grabbed the blade with his two bare hands, pushing Harumi back.

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