asking pierson

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brent woke up and got ready. after breakfast he started searching for a vacations with pierson.

br-(where should we go? hotel? no, too basic. what is this? a cruise? this could be perfect. let's see. a perfect 5-days cruise for couples. this is perfect!! it's in 1 month. i'm gonna book it)

he invited pierson over to ask her about vacations. she came over.



they hug for 5 seconds

br-i invited you over to ask you something, but we have to film


they both sit on the couch and start filming

br-so pierson, i wanted to ask you something


br-i was thinking, if you wanted to go on a 5 days cruise with me?

p-omg brentt

br-will you?

p-of course i will!!

they hug again

br-we have it in 1 month

p-can't waittt

they stop filming

p-i can't believe you did this

br-it's nothing

p-thank you so much

br-anything for you pier

they stare into each others eyes and smile

br-we should hang out for the rest of the day

p-we shouldd

br-are you hungry? cuz i am


br-where should we eat

p-how about mcdonalds


they go in the car and start driving

p-i'm gonna play some music

they driving and singing. in the middle of the drive brent puts him hand on piersons tight. pierson blushes immediantly

p-(omg this is so hot, i'm blushing and getting butterflies)

br-(i hope she is comfortable)

brent looks at her

br-are you blushing?

p-no, noo


brent starts to remove his hand, but pierson stops him but putting her hand on his

p-no, keep it. i like it

brent gives her the biggest smile. they arrive at mcdonalds and order. pierson wants to pay but brent stops her.

br-it's on me

pierson smiles at him and go to pick up their order. they return to their car.

br-i have an idea


br-we should go to the beach and eat this and watch the sunset


they drove to the beach

p-this reminds me of our first date

br-it was so cute

p-it was

they sat on the beach and eat their dinner.

br-we should go walk a little


they were walking and pierson splash brent.

br-it's on

they both startes splashing each other and ended up in the water. brent came behind her and hugged her. they both fell into the water. when they got out, they stared into each others eyes. they started moving closer and closer..


i was bored and decited to write another part, bc a lot of you wanted me to.
a little cliffchanger cominggg


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