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skipping until tiktok monday. everyone was already there except pierson

lr-brent, where's pierson?

br-i don't know. she said that she'll come

li-well she clearly isn't so call her

br-okay, okay

an-i tried calling her but there was no answear

br-just calm down, i'm calling her



br-pier!! where are you?

p-are alone in the room?

br-uh no, why?

p-can you please go somewhere where you'll be alone?

br-of course

he goes to his bedroom

p-so it's been a week since we've done it, right?

br-yeah. do you have any simptons?

p-i don't know, so that's why i need you. if i came, others would notice that i'm not myself and i don't want them to know

br-piers, i'm coming rn

p-noo, you can stay until others go

br-nope, i'm coming

p-okayy, if you want to

br-of course i want to. you're my girlfriend


br-guys i have to go to pierson's


b-is she okay?

br-yeah, it's just something personal

li-and she didn't tell me?

br-omg, she'll tell you...eventually

he left and stopped at the nearest store to get her some of her fav things. he got her candy, chocolate, flowers and a teddy bear *(iykyk)
he rang and pierson went downstairs to open the door

p-don't you have keys...

he was holding flowers and a teddy bear

p-awww brent

br-here you go a little something

p-you wouldn't have to do that

br-but i did

pierson hugs and kisses him

p-let's go to my room, before logan gets suspisios

they go upstairs and sit on pierson's bed

br-so tell me the simptons

p-i think i don't have them, but i'm feeling really unwell. maybe it's just stress

br-awww baby. come here

he hugs her

br-you don't have to stress. everything is gonna be alright. i've bought a pregnancy test, if you want to take it

p-today is actually the first day that i can take it

br-if you're ready

she took it and went in the bathroom to peed on it

p-we have to wait 10 minutes. i'm so nervous

br-it's gonna be alright

he comforts her and they cuddle until the 10 minutes run out

br-shall we look?

p-you look first, i'm too scared

br-before i do, i want you to know something. i'll love you if it's gonna be positive or negative

p-what will we do if it's positive?

br-let's have a look first

brent flips it over and looks

p-is it positive?


p-thank god!!

she hugs him and kisses him

p-i'm happy, i don't wanna be a mom yet

br-yeah same

they decide to just talk and cuddle for a bit

br-do you wanna have kids?

p-of course i do! just not yet

br-me too. how many

p-idk. 2 or 3

br-we'll have 3

he smiles. she looks at him in the eyes

p-i love you

br-i love you too

they kiss again. brents phone starts to ring

br-it's max

p-did you talk to him yet?

br-not yet

he picks up




m-when are you gonna post the video?

br-here's the thing. in the video i asked pierson to be my girlfriend. i would post it, but we want to keep it private for now. can i please post it, when we're both ready?

m-you guys are dating? i didn't know that

br-you're actually the first one to know. we wouldn't tell you, but i had to because if the video

m-ohhh. well congrats


m-you can post the video whenever you're ready

br-thank you so much. and please don't tell anyone

m-of course i won't. have a good night brent

br-you too


p-how did it go?

brent explains to her

p-that's good

brent decited to stay the night. they cuddle, watch a movie and eat candy. they fall asleep cuddling


i start school tomorrow! i'll try to post as much as i could
i hope you liked this part. i didn't expected it to be so long

love youuu <3


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