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it was 2 day before their trip and the whole group decided to pack together.
brent came to pierson's house to pick her up. she came outside with thousands of clothes

br-oh god, pier. do you need help?

p-yes please

brent helped her and put all of her clothes in the back of his car.

br-do you have everything?

p-yeah. let's go

the drove back to brent's house and everyone was already there


the girls went to hug her. than brent took all of piersons clothes and brought it to master badroom. all of the girls brought their outfit options and were tring them on

br-okay girls, have funnn

p-we will!

she peeked him on the cheek and than brent left.
liv first tried her outfits and lexi and pierson we're hyping her up

lr-this looks so good!!

p-yess!! pack it

and than lexi tried them. she looked beautiful in all of them too

p-omg lexi, you're so beautiful in this

li-yesss. you look so pretty

after lexi, pierson decited to try the outfits.

lr-this dress is pretty revealing, but you look so good in it

li-does brent let you wear that?

p-yes, he does. in fact i'm gonna wear this for him, if we go on a date, because we'll probably go

they packed all of the outfits and went downstairs. meanwhile the guys we're filming a video for amp's channel. when the girls came down they decited to order dinner. it came soon, so they ate it.

do-do we have any special plans?

br-for today or vacation?


b-i think we're going on a boat one day

br-and jet skiing

an-and i think we can think of some stuff while we're there


they all agreed and sat on the couch. landrew than told everyone that they're dating. the whole group decited to do a movie night.

br-pier, you have a projector and everything, right?

p-yeah, i do. we can go to my place it's a 5 minute walk

they decited to go to pierson's. when they came, pierson set up the projector and others the place, where they would watch it.

 when they came, pierson set up the projector and others the place, where they would watch it

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pierson went inside to make popcorn. while she was making it, brent quietly came in the kitchen and hugged her from behind. he kissed her on the neck

p-mmm, brent

br-are you excited for vacation?

p-so excited!!

brent smiled and they kissed. brent helped her with popcorn and drinks. they brought it outside and put on a movie. brierson an landrew we're both cuddling

do-man, i feel so lonely


they all laugh and finish watching the movie

je-this was amazing, thanks pierson

p-of course

they all left. brent stayed and helped her clean a bit.

br-what about we finish this tomorrow and take a hot shower now and just cuddle until we fall asleep?

p-this sounds amazing!!

she squakes and runs upstairs to her bedroom.
they take a shower together and fall asleep cuddling.

br-i love you pier. so much, that i can't describe. and you're the most beautiful girl i've ever seen. i can't wait to go on this vacation with you

brent taught she was already asleep, but she heard what he said to her. a big smile drew on her face...


posted a new part!! i'll probably post once to twice a week now.
hope you like it

love youuu <3


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