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when brent woke up ambulance was already there. he was sitting in one and he didn't saw pierson

ag(ambulance guy)-you woke up. how are you feeling?

br-my head is pounding and my whole body hurts

ag-that's normal. you crashed and hit the steering wheel with your head. when we came you were both unconscious

br-how is pierson?

brent looks at the ambulance guy very worried

ag-i didn't take care of her, others did. but there definitely isn't anything good. okay enough questions we gotta take you to the hospital

br-NOOOO!!! i have to stay with pierson! i need to see her!!

ag-i'm so sorry, but that's not possible

brent tries to stand up, but he fails. they drive off.
he fell asleep and woke up in hospital. they took care of him and gave him some medicine.
it was 4am, so he fell asleep again

now i'm gonna do pierson part

pierson didn't woke up like brent did. she fell through the front window and she was still unconscious when the ambulance came
they quickly took care of her and gave her CPR, but it didn't work. she fell into a come

skipping to when they are both in hospital. it's 11 am and the squad came to see brent

brent was laying in bed thinking about pierson. whoever he asked, no one told him anything. they just said that she needs special care
than someone knocked



lr-omgg, how are you?

others came too and hugged him

li-what happened?

brent explains

je-i'm sorry

b-how's pierson?

br-that's the thing. i don't know, but i wanna know so bad. and no one tells me

an-i'm sure they are gonna tell you soon

they all talk for a bit and then they left. lexi stayed because their family is coming too


br-mom, dad!!

they hug

jo(john)-how are you feeling

br-better, but i'm scared for pierson

la-you don't know anything about her?

br-nothing. not a single thing

la-aww honey, i'm sure they are gonna tell you soon

lr-that's what andrew said too

jo-oh, i just remember what is up with you and andew now?


la-didn't you guys get a dog together

lr-it was just to see, how it is. nothing serious

br-you better don't do anythinv with him while i'm in the hopsital

lr-i won't

they all laugh. after an hour they had to leave, because brent had a check up.
the doctor cheecked and in the evening he returned with news about pierson

doc(doctor)-so, we can tell you about pierson now


doc-she is in serious situation. she fell into a come, when we were driving her

brents eyes started tearing up

br-will see be okay?

doc-we don't know exactly. that's why we didn't want to tell you. it would put too much stress on you, which is definitely not good. we've been doing some researches and theres 50% chance she wakes up

brent couldn't hold it anymore, so he started crying

doc-brent, she is a strong girl. i belive in her

br-how long will she be in come for?

doc-it could take 1 week up to 1 month

brent started crying again

doc-i'm gonna leave you some space

he left and brent was all alone. it was already dark and he never felt so alone before. he might lose the love of his love he wants to spend the rest of his life together. he cried so hard, that the nurse heard him
she knocks and comes in

nu(nurse)-mr. rivera is everything okay?

br-noo!! my girlfriend pierson, who i was in the crash with she might not survie

he was still crying

nu-i understand you. i lost my son, due to car crash

br-i'm so sorry

nu-it's okay. i know he's in better place now

brent nods and calms down

nu-she is very strong. i was beside her when they were giving her CPR here in the hospital. she almost woke up, but i think she decited to sleep for some time. she is just having a sweet dream and she doesn't wanna wake up yet. but she will. belive me

br-thank you so much. you gave me hope again

brent sobbs and they hug

nu-have a good sleep mr.rivera

br-thank you

she leaves and brent calms down. he thinks about all the good memories he made with pierson and how many would they make if they didn't crash. he starts sobbing again until he falls asleep...


will pierson wake up? if yes, when? you'll see in the next part and btw i included a little landrew part, bc i know a lot of you ship them
hope you like it

love youuu <3


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