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Tw: kissing - moaning - other spicy things, if you don't like this feel free to go to the next part<3

*Knock knock knock*

Me(Sarah); maxi.. "smiles"

"I unlock the door and open it, I grab maxis hand and pull her into my house, I plop her down on the couch and stare into her eyes for a moment, the silence is so loud..I sit next to her and kiss her cheek, I love the fact we can have silence without it being awkward.."

Maxi; hi hottie.

Me(Sarah); hello love

Maxi; I wanna-

Me(Sarah); continue, your fine.

Maxi; I wanna actually be with you Sarah..

Me(Sarah) that's good because- "I pull her onto my lap and kiss her lips deeply while holding her waist, god her lips are soft.."

Maxi; "softly moans while kissing Sarah...I think I really love her.."

Me(Sarah); "I break the kiss and just sit there for a minute to catch my breath, I can tell maxi is eager...for- hmm?"

Maxi; you ok love?

Me(Sarah); just thinking darling..

Maxi; about?

Me(Sarah); ....have you ever done anything...sexual?

Maxi;...uh..- no..

Me(Sarah); hm ok..

Maxi;...why..."Maxi frowns and looks at Sarah with upset eyes"

Me(Sarah); "I can tell she's upset..I feel bad for asking that." No reason, sorry hon.

Maxi; it's alright I guess.

Me(Sarah); "I roll maxi over onto the couch and lay on her lap"

Maxi; "I brush Sarah's hair to the side and rub her neck..maybe..I wanna try something..?"

Me(Sarah); "I notice maxis extra quiet" you ok?

Maxi; " I don't reply, I lean down to Sarahs neck..I hope she's ok with this, I place my lips on her neck and start to suck and kiss her.."

Me(Sarah); " I'm shocked by maxis lips on my neck and flinch a little..but I like this" love..?

Maxi; "I think she uncomfortable" what..? Oh I'm sorry "I sit back up and stroke her neck realizing I made a mark" oh I'm so sorry Sarah..

Me(Sarah); it's ok feels nice.

Maxi; oh.. really? I've never done that before.

Me(Sarah); "I sit up and roll maxi back onto my lap, I start to kiss her neck and start leaving hickeys"

Maxi; " I moan softly to the touch of Sarah's lips on my neck" sarah~

Me(Sarah); oh? You like that?

Another cliff hanger!!:) Love you all tysm for the support I hope you like the story so far!

Bye loves<3

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