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John closes the email app with a huge grin and asks. "Did I just learn something? Yo hold up. They both used words I have never heard them say before. But they also told me what they meant as well. I wonder if Juan and Jiyon feel the same way. We always have so much fun together, but this is different. I think my brain just grew. I can't wait to learn some more new words from my friends." John sits on his bed and reviews the new vocabulary words in his head. Inu means dog in Japanese and perro is dog in Spanish. Shiori is Japanese for white. And white is Blanco in Spanish. Juan used perdon to apologize while Jiyon said gomen. Can I call my dad "chichi" and my mom "haha"? And that word for friend Juan used. Amigo? I like that word. Maybe I can name my comic the 3 Amigos. I can't wait to talk to my amigos again.

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