chapter 6

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Chavi gazed at the moon sitting in her room . It has become her habit now .
She sits there admiring the beauty of the nature and thinking about the one who roams in her mind 24*7 nowdays....Anirudh .

She visits Rashmi's house more often now with the excuse of her marriage but she rarely gets a chance to see him and talk to him as he always remain busy with his work .

But she has formed a good bond with his family . Also now that Arushi and she shared a friendly bond she gets to know about his whereabouts through her .

She never ask her directly about him but being a big admirer of her brother Arushi  mostly talks about him making it easy for Chavi .

Rashmi's wedding functions will be starting by the end of this week and she was more than excited for it as she will get more chance to be near him .

Being a romantic novel lover she imagined many scenarios where she can get a chance to be close to him or talk to him .

She won't get this golden opportunity to spend time with him  after Rashmi's wedding ,as she will have no excuse left to visit them .
She slept thinking about him cuddling  her  pillow.

Bhaiya...Chavi ran downstairs seeing her brother leaving for his work .
She got up early as she needed at ask his permission to stay at Rashmi's home from  day after tomorrow as her wedding functions will be starting from that day onwards .

Charnjeet smiling seeing his princess running towards him early in the morning.
She hugged him making him kiss her hairs lovingly.

How come you woke up this early today ....he chuckled pinching her cheek making her pout .
Can I stay at Rashmi's home for the upcoming week ??? She asked making puppy eyes making him sigh .

Beta you can go there with your bhabhi and return back home at night . What's the need to stay there . Also there will be too many guests there and you will find it difficult to find a place to sleep at night .... Charnjeet said not liking her idea .

Bhaiiiii she is my only best friend and she will get married soon and go away . This is the only time I can get to spend with her ....please ...and they all loves me and take cares of me like Rashmi only ....don't say no ....Chavi requested clinging to her brother making the best puppy face ever .

But bacha ....he was about to say something when Prerna intrupted...
Let her stay Na....and you don't know it's a girl thing to gossip during night session only . Don't be so over protective....She said making Charnjeet give in as both his ladies were in one team and he can't win against them now .

He nodded at chavi making her jump in happiness and he ruffled her hair making her whine .
She kissed him on his cheek and ran to her room to continue her beauty sleep 😴.
Hmmm it's a girl thing Haan.....saying Charnjeet pulled Prerna in his arms making her smile shyly.

He bite on her cheek making her hiss and slap on his chest lightly.
He kissed her forehead and left for his work leaving a smiling Prerna behind .

He surely was a strict man but loves his family to no end and she is lucky to have him as her husband Prerna thought.

Here Anirudh was in his office working on some files . He had applied for 1 week leave and he was working overtime to complete his Target.

He need to submit the project report to the manager . Although he had his allotted leaves pending as he rarely takes a break until it's an emergency but being a punctual man he is , he likes to finish his work before the deadline.

It was around 9 pm and he was the only one left in the office at this hour .
He has been allotted his own cabin considering his post and he was glad for that .

His phone ringed displaying his mother's call and he smiled picking up the call leaning back on his chair .

I will just leave maa....ya don't worry . I will be home in an hour saying he hanged up the call and wrapped up his work and left for his home .

He was about to exit Gurugram when he saw an ice cream parlour and knowing how Arushi loves Icecream specially from this place , he  stopped there to buy it for her.

Meanwhile Aayush and Chavi wanted to go out hence after having their dinner Charnjeet brought them here for ice-cream treat as the duo loved it.
They were enjoying icecream when Prerna saw a familiar figure at the counter.

Is he Anirudh??? She asked, gaining Chavi's immediate attention and she looked at her back  where Prerna was pointing and smiled brightly seeing him .
Chavi wanted to run to him but as her brother was here she can't behave like that .

Anirudh....!!!! Prerna called him and he looked in their direction hearing his name .
He neared their table as he recognised them . He shook his hand with Charnjeet and said a small Hello to both Chavi and Prerna ruffling Aayush's hair .

What a pleasant surprise! You here at this time....Prerna asked him .
Yeah actually I was going home only but then stopped to buy some Ice-cream for Arushi and Aniket...he explained making them node .

Charnjeet and Prerna chatted with him regarding wedding preparations and his office work while Chavi just drooled over his messy Hair look as he was looking handsome with his rolled up sleeves displaying his veiny muscular arms .

Soon he took their leave and went away taking his order.
Very hardworking man !!! Charnjeet commented as Anirudh left from there .
True! He is the backbone of his family .

He has taken the charge of house at a very young age . I have seen him working hard from his college time only . He is a rare gem in today's world Prerna added .
Chavi felt immense happiness listening to her family praising him .

There is something about him that pulls her towards him just like a moth is attracted to fire.

She doesn't know where these feelings will lead her to but she definitely knows that she likes being in his presence.

She was ready to take a leap of faith for once in her life time following her hearts instinct.

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