chapter 51

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Days were passing by quickly and Chavi has stepped into the 9th month now.
The delivery date given by the doctor is next week .
Anirudh and Chavi have shifted to Anirudh's previous room downstairs for the time being as it was getting difficult for her to climb up stairs and risky too .

Anirudhhhhh mat jaaye na Aaj ....Chavi said clinging to him as usual. Nowadays she wants him beside her all the time .
I will be back soon and today's meeting is very important. Foregin Deligates are coming today ....he informed her wearing his suit .
He pecked her pout and left after giving her the daily instructions to take care of herself and have enough water and don't eat junk .
Mere liye Pineapple pastry leke Aana ..she said and he hummed exiting the room .

Chavi was in the living room with Rekha ji and Arushi when she felt a sudden urge to pee instantly.
She got up taking the support of the arm rest and hurriedly walked towards her room making Rekha ji frown .
Be careful Bache .....don't be in a hurry ...Rekha ji said.
as Chavi got up from the toilet seat and was about to press the flush she saw light blood patches along with a jelly like substance in the pot making her worried .
Does my water broke .....she thought to herself and called for Rekha ji loudly coming into the room .
Rekha ji and Arushi rushed into the room hearing her panicking voice .
Kya hua bache.....Are you ok .....Rekha ji asked .
Maaa my water broke and there is some blood too ....Chavi said making Rekha ji node .
Aruuuu call Rahul we will have to leave for the hospital now......Rekha ji instructed Arushi while making Chavi sit on the bed .
Relax bache ..... everything will be fine ..Rekha ji said rubbing Chavi's arm .
But maa the date was due next week ....Chavi said in a panicked voice .
It's absolutely normal bache happens.....Rekha ji assured her and also called the Gynecologist informing about the water break .
Anirudh will be in a meeting as his phone is switched off . Leave him a message so that he could come directly to the hospital....Rekha ji said to Chavi making her node .
Soon Rahul came along with Riya and they all left to the hospital.
Chavi has started to fill a mild cramps too .
But more then pain she was feeling anxious. She has heard that a women feels a lot of pain while delivering the baby . Also Anirudh was also not there with her to calm her down .
They reached the hospital and Chavi was taken to the maternity wards .
She was given a saline as the labour has just kicked in and it will take time to get fully diluted.

Rekha ji also informed Charnjeet and Prerna and told them not to rush as there is a lot of time in delivery as per the doctor.
2 hours passed and now the intensity of cramps have increased. Also the crams are more frequent now .
Maa.....where is he .....Chavi asked Rekha ji scrunching her face in pain .
Bache he has not seen the message yet but don't worry he will be here as soon as he knows....Rekha ji said rubbing Chavi's palm.
Shortly Charnjeet and Prerna arrived too .
Charnjeet kissed her forehead and left the room as he could not see her in pain while Prerna sat there with her trying to calm her down a bit .
Her Blood pressure was dropping due to anxiety and that might be dangerous during delivery if she lost her consciousness.

Here Anirudh finished the meeting and came to his cabin and relaxed on his chair .
He ordered a cooffe and finally switched on his phone .
There were numerous missed calls from Chavi and Maa 's number .
He opend the WhatsApp and hurriedly picked up his car keys leaving the office instantly seeing the message from almost 4 hours back .
He called his mother on his way to know about the situation.
Rekha ji updated him about Chavi and asked him to come soon as Chavi is asking for him again and again .

By the time Anirudh entered the corridor of maternity wards he could hear her screaming and all the family gathered outside the room .
The nurse asked him to sanitize his hands properly before letting him in as the husband's are allowed with their wife's .
Anirudh hurriedly came towards her who was in extreme pain while the doctors were checking her dilution.
Anirudh held her hand and Chavi got some relief seeing him there .
She burst out in sobs as he kissed her face .
It's ok .... everything will be fine . Aren't you excited to see our baby ....he asked wiping her face and she nodded her head .
Okay.....get ready the head is visible now .....Mrs .Rathi try to push .....The doctor instructed Chavi .
Anirudh held her hand as she screamed trying to push .
Ahhhhhhh......nahi hoga mujhse ......she cried and Anirudh looked at doctor helplessly asking her to do something as he can't see his wife like that .
You can do it Mrs . Rathi ....few more strong pushes and your baby will be out .....the doctor motivated her .
Meri are the strongest . Push for our little human ......Anirudh said cupping her face while Chavi nodded holding his hand tightly and tears continuosly streaming down her cheeks .
Chavi pushed hard few more times and screamed loudly before relief washed over her features .
A shrill crying voice echoed in the room and Anirudh sighed finally looking at his baby covered in blood with placenta still actached in doctors arms .
Congratulations Mr. Rathi it's a girl ....the doctor said making him smile brightly.
Would you like to cut it .....Doctor asked Anirudh indicating towards the umbilical cord.
Anirudh looked at Chavi who was looking at him with her half opend eyes and she nodded at him to go ahead .
Anirudh took the scissors and cut it .
The nurse took the baby away wrapping it in a towel to clean up .
While the doctor cleaned Chavi and stitching her vaginal opening.
Chavi was almost drowsy . Anirudh kissed her forhead whispering an I love you to her to which she gave a small smile before falling into slumber due to exhaustion.
Anirudh took his little angle in his arms and a lone tear escaped his eye seeing her small cute face just like her mother .
He took her outside and the whole family surrounded him as they already got the news of her arrival from the nuses .
Rekha ji took her grand daughter in her arms and thanked God for blessing then with this little angle .
Charnjeet and other family members took her too blessing her .
Finally the nurse took her inside to get her feeded by Chavi .
Anirudh hugged her mother tightly and let out his emotions finally.
He cried in his mother's arms making Rekha ji and others emotional too.
Maa meri beti.......he said emotionally making Rekha ji node her head .
Charnjeet hugged Anirudh understanding his emotions. He himself was emotional too at this moment.
Arishi and Aniket hugged his brother too feeling overjoyed due to arrival of their cute niece .
Aniket bring sweet boxes and distribute it in the entire hospital.....Anirudh said to his younger brother.
Don't worry, I have asked for it already... Charanjeet said making Anirudh smile .

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