The first step..

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(The first roleplay of Jaey, and the shaping of her character development, etc.)

So it was a travel roleplay from Stormwind to the Tournament of the Ages (a event at the time but a quarter of the way there we all got kicked because of a troll and decided to go to Uldalar instead and ended up becoming the main four of us)

They were starting to travel to Stormwind to IronForge using the Tram, but Jaey was very quiet, apprehensive because she hadn't met any of them before, so confusing they marched through IronForge to The wetlands and the harbor a little south and took the boat there to Northerend where they happened to meet a new person who was a Night Elf hunter named Syl who decided to join one another, there had already been Touch a Night Elf druid, Jaey a Night Elf hunter along with her lovely wolf companion Crystal, A human Death Knight named Valt, and Syl had joined their circle since they had stopped to rest. Jaey was slowly warming up to the group, telling them about her travels and more... When they had reached Grizzly Hills is where things started to go south.. They had come across bandits, burning down a village though ultimately ended up killing the ring-leader of the bunch and went on their merry way, but the druid had come to see what remained of Vordrassil, well they found a chunk of it and guess what they decided to do..? Go inside it! That's right.. well Jaey was stupid and put her right hand into a black cloudy haze but nothing happened immediately, let me remind you that this was from Vordrassil and she was a Night Elf, after that she shrugged it off and then the group got out of the tree and started making their way to the howling fjord, well Jaey started to feel a burning sensation on her RIGHT hand, took off her glove while the others were not looking and saw CORRUPTION.. Yep- nature corruption, something that really hasn't been studied in the WoW universe and therefore has no known cure, she of course didn't tell them or understand what it was immediately. Fast forward to the whispering gulch yep! N'zoth people! So the whole group was hearing voices, etc. Once they got out of the gulch Jaey realized the corruption was starting to spread.. she, being the idiot she was decided not to tell them yet again, knowing she was probably never going to see another sunrise, she wanted to enjoy it while she could, not be murdered on the spot, she only thought that because well, they were still kinda complete strangers! Well they continued their way a little bit down the path before Touch had to depart for a meeting with her fellow druids. Well then Syl, Jaey and Valt continued walking towards the Storm Peaks. They kept hearing voices, Syl especially, and Jaey seemed quite concerned for her friend. So they had entered the Storm Peaks, though had found a couple skeletons up in the mountain top. Both Syl and Valt were starting to complain of visions, but Jaey felt no such thing but her arm continued to burn. About half there Jaey noticed the corruption was about halfway through her as she noticed it on her right foot. Since she was barefoot and there was snow in the ground she quickly dipped her foot in the snow to cover it. Valt and Syl noticed this and confronted her on it, explaining they had both seen her acting strange from almost the beginning of the journey. Well she said her foot was itchy and that she heard someone somewhere say it would help so she would try it out. They were still both suspicious and then confronted Jaey about her arm. She was terrified about them finding out so she acted like she had nothing to hide, took of her glove and showed them her left arm that was completely fine. They told her to show them her other arm and she was completely terrified, then they told her they weren't going to continue on their way without them seeing it, so she sighed and took off the glove showing nature corruption that had spread up her whole arm. They were shocked to say the least.. so what do they do? Not murder her! Anyways then Valt takes out a magic crystal, uses it on Jaey and she is healed! Right..? (Foreshadowing) anyways then continue up to the Storm Peaks and pause right outside of Uldalar where they rest.

I left a lot out, but most of the big parts to the story are there.

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