Sneekpeak: (Bonus Trailer)

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April 12th, 2009...

The high-pitched school bell across the hall rings, and a butt ton of students exit each of their respective homeroom's to head to their next class.

It was almost chaos, yet order at the same time, a sea of teenagers, young adults, and even staff rustling across the building by the hundreds, hoping to quickly get to their next classes.

After a few minutes of pacing and quick walking, the halls were once again quickly emptied, and order was immediately restored.

In the one classroom near the east end of the building, the main friend group - and most of the main characters of our story - were in a study hall, gossiping and talking about news they've heard, and even what would be a good time for them to hang out.

"Yeah, I think that's be great! How does this Friday sound?" Benny, the one in Blue, and a lover of space asked.

Another, further left, seeming to be a unicorn-cat, spoke to confirm.

"Yeah! That'd be so awesome! And since none of us have anything after this week, we can spend the whole weekend together!" She explained, and another joined in.

"Sounds like a plan, y'all! Friday to late Sunday! We'd get a lotta stuff to do." Watevra, the girl in purple said, curling up to her boyfriend. "What do you think, honey-bun?"

Watevra's boyfriend, Batman - yes, the one and only Batman - grinned and held her close. "Whatever you want, I'm in, love." He said in a cool way. (At least he thought)

"Argh! If ye all are in, then I be in, ya here? Metalbeard from the end called with a smile.

"Eh, it's not that hard to not hear when you're yelling like that, bud." Sweet, the final member of the group said with a chuckle.

Suddenly, before the friend group could keep talking, the teacher in the room heading the class period walked up, asking in a confused manner.

"Excuse me, kids. I'm sorry to interrupt, but have any of you seen either Mr. Brickowski or Ms. Wyldstyle?" The elderly, friendly looking teacher asked the group.

"Oh, uh, sorry Mr. Vitruvius. We haven't seen them in a bit. Not since second period." Unikitty answered.

"Hmm, very strange. They've been missing this study hall every day for almost a week. It's not like either of them to do such. Least of all Mr. Brickowski." Vitruvius expressed worried.

"It be strange indeed, sir." Metalbeard added. "Where could the lad and lass be?"

"Where do you think?" Batman asked sarcastically and playfully.


Under the bleachers of the enormous gymnasium, two figures could be seen underneath very, very close to each other.

Pressed up against the side stand, the young student Emmet Brickowski stood with his back gently pushed onto the underneath of the bleacher seat, softly kissing his beautiful, kind, but tough and strong Girlfriend, Lucy Wyldstyle.

The two had been meeting in the gym every day for the last week when they both had study hall. Ever since they first got together some weeks ago, Emmet and Lucy had begun spending way more time together.

Between the dates, classes together, and the overall love between them, the two lovebirds couldn't have been happier.

However, Lucy wanted to show Emmet that she truly loves him. More than any other of her past boyfriends, including Batman, who was now with Watevra.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2023 ⏰

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