Chapter 1: Part II

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Lucy woke up to the bright sunlight shining through the window of her-... well, her and her boyfriend's home. She couldn't remember when she didn't enjoy Emmet's company. How sweet and kind he is. How he holds her. How he kisses her. How-

"Ah-" A wracking pain went straight through Lucy's head, like a sharp needle poking through her brain. That just felt even worse than last night when she-...


Wait... What happened last night?

Did Lucy have amnesia or something? Did she pass out or hit her head? Did she-... Oh, that's right.

Slowly but surely, her memory slushed back to her, only bit by bit. Lucy remembered getting into the car with Emmet to go to another Galactic wide party, and both were pumped to go, especially after thinking of holding her arm on Emmet, beaming like the Prince she always knew he was.

Then, after a bit of time, Lucy got lost after trying to return from the restroom, which apparently was a little too Pink for her taste. Sure, Lucy's hair was naturally Cyan and Pink, but she was always the Rebel type.

Eventually, she stumbled upon the room of wines and cheese's that Emmet would later find her in.

Now, Lucy was fully aware of her problem to have a few too many during a party, as seeing it herself in the past, since she turned the appropriate age to drink. Once again, her Rebel nature and all.

Lucy always did try to resist having too much, but many times, chose the drinks over her willpower. She would promise herself to only have one or two small drinks. However, one or two turned into three, then four, then six, then twelve, and-... Well, you get the idea.

Then, after all those drinks, Lucy's memory was a complete blur. She didn't even recall anything from the last twelve hours.

In fact, as of just now, Lucy doesn't even remember waking up. One minute, she was having, well, whatever dream she had, and the next, she woke up with her Boyfriend's loving arms around her petite waist, which she very much enjoyed, and would snuggle him back, if not for the wracking headache.

Thankfully, after just a few seconds of what seemed to be a miracle, the headache had subsided greatly, but was still present just a bit. Lucy could say the aching was about, say... 8 outta 10 gone? She wasn't the best at arithmetics, but Lucy was still incredibly intelligent, both very much street smart, and a lot of book smart.

Well, her head did slightly hurt still, but felt a heck of a lot better through whatever miracle.

Now, back to her memory...

It seemed, as hard as she could try, Lucy just couldn't remember anything after finding the cache of drinks. But maybe she could... ask what happened?

Yeah... Yeah! Why didn't she think of that before.

"Brain fart alert, I guess, heh." Lucy whispered, as to not wake up her lover.

Actually, why not ask Emmet? As tired as they both were, he probably had a good idea on how and what happened last night. But at the same time, she didn't want to force him to get up or anything.

... Maybe she could at least kiss him awake. That way she wouldn't have to jerk his shoulder a few times, which would make him even more tired.

Then again, Emmet loved everything about Lucy, and loved doing anything with her, so there was no harm in waking him up.

Gently moving Emmet's arms off her thin waist, Lucy rolled over and slightly straddled him as to get in a comfortable position for both of them.

Then, after stroking his soft, curly hair, Lucy moved down and diminished any space between her and her man.

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