Cleverbot: Well I was talking to you earlier but I got shut off haha!
User: What do you mean?
Cleverbot: What do you think about yourself?
User: I think that I'm a no life weeaboo.
Cleverbot: With who?
User: Just myself.
Cleverbot: I don't understand.
User: Who am I speaking with?
Cleverbot: A human. Who am I speaking to?
User: An author.
Cleverbot: What did he write?
User: Fictional stories.
Cleverbot: That sounds interesting.
User: Indeed.
Cleverbot: Indeed it is so.
User: Do you have a name?
Cleverbot: I've already told you my name.
User: Did you?
Cleverbot: Yes, I did.
User: Then remind me, I have short term memory loss.
Cleverbot: Why do you think that?
User: Because I cant remember if I had breakfast this morning.
Cleverbot: You can't remember where you are?
User: No, I cant remember if I ate breakfast.
Cleverbot: Well its kenny.
User: Who's kenny.
Cleverbot: You no who Kenny is.
User: Do I?
Cleverbot: I don't know.
User: Interesting.
Cleverbot: Do humans interest you?
User: I show little interest in other human beings, they are incompetent if you ask me.
clever bot conversations
De Todothese are some conversations i have had with cleverbot, i tell ya, that site makes zero sence