Chapter 2

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Finally Geometry was over. I quickly got up and walked out the door. I could still feel him looking at me. The good thing was I didn't see him in any of my other classes. Good. The rest of the day was prettynormal. First Science class, Music, then P.E., the lunch came. I sat at the table that me and Arianna usually sit at, but it seemed that she was alittle late today. So I went ahead in the lunch line by myself.
I got a burger, some fruit, and a soda. Not much of a lunch is it? I stared walking back to the table. Arianna was there, and so was someone else. Oh great. It was Xavier. Arianna spotted me and waved me down. Xavier turned his head and smiled at me. Great. Now I have to spend my lunch with him. I slowly walked over and sat next to Arianna. Xavier sat across from us. "Hey I see you already got lunch" said Arianna. I nodded. "Yea you weren't hear and I was starving" I said. "Well lunch looks good today" She licking her lips. We laughed. We both knew that lunch a this school was okay. Xavier looked confused but kept his cool. " Hey X , I'm going to go get my lunch. We will finish the conversation later. But don't move!" She giggled. "No problem captain" He said giving a funny salute. "And you" She said pointing to me. "Stay here" I nodded. Then she came to my ear and whispered " Give him a chance " then she left to go get lunch. The line was ridiculously long. So it was gonna be a while till she came back. After she left I looked at Xavier. He was smiling at me. I replayed Arianna words in my head Give him a chance I was somewhat prepared to do that. Before I could say anything he walked over to my side and slid next to me. Okay then. I perked up and decided to say something. "Hi" I said "Hey" He replied. " I feel like we got off on the wrong foot. My name is Xavier." He said as he outstretched his hand. I took it. " Hi Xavier. I'm Dream"
"I know" he said with a smirk. And we're going back to things being awkward. " So, back to my question in the hallway, why is a pretty girl like you, around school by herself?" He asked again. I sighed. "I already told you." I said. I took a straw and put in my soda. I took a sip. " Why are you going after a girl like me?" I said twirling my straw with my fingers. "Well, that I couldn't tell you" He scooted closer. His leg brushed against mine. His fingers tickling my thigh. " I would have to tell you a different way" I was panicking, but then I relaxed. He couldn't be serious. I took another sip from my soda. " You are not serious are you?" I asked him. He looked at me. "Very serious. Like I said, I get what I want. Whatever it is" He looked me up and down again. Now I knew he wasn't playing around. I looked around. Arianna was almost at the end of the line. Yay. I think he read my mind. He took my soda and drunk from my straw. He put it down and pit his lips to my ear. "This is just alittle sneak peak. I'll see you later mama." then he gave me a kiss on my cheek and left. He went to Arianna in line and told her something. She nodded her head and he left out the cafeteria double doors. I touched my cheek. The feeling of his lips was still there.
Arianna came back. She stopped when she saw me. I must have had a dazed look on my face. "You okay Dream?" She asked. I snapped out of the feeling. "Yea yea yea. I'm fine. Just tired" I said. She looked at me with precaution. "You sure?"
"Yea totally." I gave her a smile.
She shrugged her shoulders and put her tray on the table. "Okay. Whatever." She sat down and stared digging in to her food. "Where did Xavier go?" I asked curiously. "I thought you would know. He said he had to go take care of something urgent. "
"Oh okay." I said
"Why does is matter to you?" She asked
"It doesnt"
"You sure?"
We sat queit for a moment. Then she asked me how was class and stuff. We talked about he project, scheduled times, and said the day we would get together. The? The bell rang. "Oops. Time to go" we got up and threw away our trays. "I'll see after 7th girl" She said. "Alright migliore amico, best friend. See you later!" I walked to my locker.

As I was walking to my locker, I saw a little note sticking out of the door. I opened my locker and it fell out. I picked it up. It had my name on the front in a beautiful cursive. The note read:

Sorry I left so suddenly
And I didn't mean to make you feel awkward. It just that when I get around you, my mind does t work. To show you how I really feel, if you want to know,
Meet me at Rivers man's park,
So you can know.
Signed, X

I looked at it. It was realky sweet. It was from Xavier of course. I tossed it in my backpack. I walked to History, my LEAST favorite class. As I sat in class, I took out the note and re-read it. I smiled. I touched the cheek he kissed me on. As my teacher was drowning on and on about old people in history, my brain drifted off thinking about Xavier. Why? I really don't know but I drifted of into a wonderful daydream

I was sitting under a bridge next to the pond at River man's park. I sat there looking at the beautiful view from under the bridge. It was so nice. The sun was going down, it was a nice May day. The breeze was cold, but felt good on my face. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. Then I felt someone's hands on my waist. There breath on my neck. I smiled. I opened my eyes and stood up. I turned around. There he was. Standing there with his arms around my waist. His hazel eyes in my green ones. I took his hands from my waist and put them in mine. It was Xavier. I looked up at him. He smiled . That smile that he does all the time. He leaned in. His breath on my face. He leaned in closer And closer. His lips brushed mine. I smiled. Then he came in close enough and--------

"Hello? Ms.Dream? Did you hear the bell?" I snapped out of my daydream. I looked around. Eveyone was gone. The bell rang and I had missed it. I hit my forehead. Dang it! I quickly packed up my stuff. "Sorry Mr.L! I'm really sorry. I'm just not with it today." I quickly grabbed my backpack. "Its okay Dream. First day back. I know how that feels. Just be careful next time. Goodbye" He said. I waved him goodbye and walked out the door. I rushed to Study hall.
When I got settled, I took out the note again and read it. As I did, I thought about the daydream I had. Wow. I leaned back in my chair. I never dreamed about a guy like that. What am I talking about. I never dreamed about a guy at all! I never even thought about being with a guy. I rubbed my head. What was going on with me. I felt so weird about all this. The feeling, the way he looked at me, the way he looks. Ughhh!!! This is so confusing!
While I was stressing about this, my phone vibrated. I got a text from Arianna. She must have been at P.E. Our P.E teacher didn't care if you were on your phone.

Arianna- Hey girl

❤Me- Hey. You in P.E?

Arianna- Yep! Hbu?

❤Me- Study Hall

Arianna- Lucky! You get peace and quiet!

❤Me- I guess girl

Arianna-Lol. Anyway, you wanna study after school?

❤Me- Sorry I can't. I got plans

Arianna- Aww okay. We will just go on our schedule

❤Me- Yea. No prob. We will I got cha!

Arianna- Ain't that the truth? Well I gotta go girl. Holla at you on the bus

❤Me- Okay sorella, sister, bye!

I put down my phone. I'm surprised she didn't ask me what I was doing. Well I felt bad for turning her down, but the note reminded me Why I did it. I hope it was worth it.

After 7th, I returned to my locker and put my stuff up. I saw Xavier with his crew. I looked at him and he winked at me. He still seemed like a big jerk. I walked to my locker and put my books back. Xavier walked over to my locker and leaned on my door. He only said one thing. "I hope to see you later." And he left. He stopped. "And one more thing. Look nice" And then he left. I slammed my locker. He has some nerve.
Part of me was mad
Part of me was excited
The other part was feeling, happy
I don't know
I walked on the bus and sat next to Arianna. "Hey. Sorry I won't be able to help you today girl." I said. She shook her head and waved her hands. "Your okay girlfriend. I understand. You are busy. Your fine!" "You sure?" I asked "I insist!" She said. "Okay. Thank you." I said. We came t her stop. I gave her a hug goodbye. "No problemo! I'll see you later. Stay bello girl!" And she hopped of the bus with 5 other kids. She walked down the sidewalk. I waved to her from the window. She waved back and went talking to the other kids. I sat in the chair and relaxed. It was a long day. When we finaly got to?my house, I was relived. I unlocked the door and walked inside. O one was there. I went upstairs and kicked of my shoes. I pulled out my phone and went on IG. I scrolled through the pages. Then I thought about my plans for later. I have no idea what to wear. I might as well go ahead and start looking. I turned on my speakers and played music from my iPod. My favorite song was playing; A System Down by Chop Suey. I danced in my closet looking through the clothes. I took a deep breath.
Time to change the look up alittle

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