Chapter 10

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~In Media is Dreams cheer uniform~

"Oh my gosh! Why did I sign up for Cheer agian? This outfit is ridiculous! " I said to Arianna as I was putting on my uniform. It had been over 3 weeks. It was Febuary and we had a game. The cheer outfit was so, SHOWY. Since our school was the Wildcats, we had a paw print on the front. The school colors are Blue, white, and black. The uniform was a two piece. It had white shorts, like, SHORT shorts, long sleeve top with blue and black chettah print and a blue bow. Me and Arianna were in the locker room, trying to calm me down. Its was a day before the schools football game for the second semester. We had practice today and game tomorrow night. This was the first time I put on the uniform and I was freaking out. "It looks really cute on you. I think Xavier won't even be able to focus on football practice today. " Crap! I forgot Xavier was on the football team. Great Now he gets to see me in this skimpy uniform. I put my head in my hands and sighed. "Why did you have to mention that? Now I feel even more worried about how I look. " Arianna came and sat next to me. "Get you little sensitive butt up! You know you look good girl. No, you look hot! Now go out there and show those other girls who is boss. You are co-captian. For goodness sake, we can't be captian until we are in our Senior year. Your making history! " she was right. I am one of the only freshmans to be captian in our school. I lifted my head and took a deep breath. "Your right A! I am one of the youngest captians. And I need to show these girls why. " I got up and fixed my bun. I was going to be in the front with the captian. But I was ready. "Alright girl, let's go. " I grabbed Arianna'sarn arm and we walked out of the locker room together. The only problem, the feild was on the other side of the school. So I had to walk through school to get there. That ment a lot more people seeing me in my uniform than I wanted. I took a deep breath and walked through the hallway. I heard summers and whispers. One dude said "Look at Xavier's girl. He is a lucky dude. I would hit that anytime. " I gulped. Eyes watching me as I walked. But I was still confident. In the hallway I spotted the captian, Nicki Callin. She was a freshman as well. She was really pretty. She had Carmel burnt skin, long brown hair, and an amazing complexion. "Hey Nicki! On your way to practice early?" I said. She smiled. "Captians gotta set an example! " she said. I laughed. "And you look HOT in your uniform. I know Your running back boyfriend is going to have a hard time focusing. " she said. I put on a weak smile. "That what I told her. " said Arianna. They both laughed. "I don't believe we have met. I'm Arianna...."
"Yea Arianna. Amazing skateboard that dominates the guys in the club. I've head of ya. I'm Nicki. " she shook her hand.
"Well I didn't know I was so popular." Said Arianna acting flatterd. I laughed. "Um hello, practice? Getting me out of here? " I said waving my hand in front of them. "Yes she is right. Lets go. Your welcome to watch if your not doing anything after school. "Offered Nicki. Arianna nodded. "I will. I'll catch a ride home with Dream. " Then threats bell rang and everything turned into Buzz. "Lets go!" Said Nicki. We ran down the hallway into the feild.

"Alright ladies let's take it from the top!" I yelled. Nicki was managing the music and I was in front leading practice. I gave Nicki a thumbs up to start the music. We started found the routine. Things went smoothly. This was for half time. When we were done. We all cheered. "You girls did wonderful! Now time for the actual cheers. First position! " all the girls got in first position. They had there hands in front of them with there elbows touching and there hands clasped tight. "Okay Wildcats. Lets go!"

" Shake it to the left,
shake it to the right.
Come on, Wildcats, lets fight, fight fight!
Push them back, push them back.
Come on, Wildcats lets attack!" We all said. We did the routine with our pom-poms. They did awesome. "Girls you guys did great. Now next cheer. "

"Shake it!"
"Shake it!"
" Don't ya even mistake it.
'cause we will drive through.
We're here, we're ready, to conquer you!"
Then they broke into cheers. Nicki clapped. "Well done girls. Now the last on Captain. " she said addressing me.
"Alright Wildcats, are you ready?"
They shouted.
"I said are you ready?"
They shouted even louder.
"Alright let's go!"

" Hey Wildcats,
We're back to fight with pride,
So step aside,
Yell Go, Fight, Win,
Hey Piarates,
We're back to attack,
We'll show no slack,
Hey fans,
We're back to fight with all our might,
Yell Black, Blue and White!
Yell Black, Blue and White!
Go Wilcats!"

Then two girls did cartwheels informant of the team and ended in splits waving there pom-poms. Then we all chanted. "Wildcats! Wildcats!" Nicki gave us a round of applause. "You girls did Amazin! Loved it!" We all cheered. I turned to the girls. "Who is ready for this game?" I asked. They all shouted. I smiled the I turned my head and saw Xavier throwing a football. He caught me looking at him a smirked. He blew a kiss and went back to practice. I looked at Arianna. I know she saw it to. She gave me a thumbs up. I snapped out of it. "Lets run it one more time girls." I said. I looked at him one more time and back to cheer.

After practice, we all went to the cafeteria. There was snacks and drinks for us. We dug in. After our after-practice snack, I said goodbye to the girls of the team. Me and Arianna went to the front of the school waiting for my sister. "You are the best cheerleader I have ever seen!" Exclaimed Arianna. I smiled. "Well thank you!"
"I want to get a picture of you in your uniform for instagram. " I shrugged my shoulders. "Go ahead. " she pulled out her phone. I blew a kiss and bent my knee. She snapped the picture. "Got it! You look bello, beautiful!" I smiled. She tagged me in it. I took my own picture and posted it on my account. We laughed. Then someone grabbed my waist and whispered in my ear. "Do you know were I can find Dream Taltrin, the most beautiful girl ever?" It was Xavier. I laughed. "Hi Mr. Football player. How was practice?" I asked turning to face him. "Well can I get a kiss first?" He asked. He leaned down and gave me a kiss. "Now tell me!"
"It was fine. Were going to crush the Piartes tomorrow night. " Arianna laughed. "They are one one the best teams you know?"
"But we're better. Oh hey A. " he gave her a hug. He took of his uniform but still smelled like grass. I pulled on his collar. "And my little cheerleader looked so hot on the field. " he said. I blushed. "Thank baby. And you know what's coming up?" I asked. He smirked as I got closer. "What?"
"My boo's birthday! " I said dancing around. He laughed. "Yep. In two weeks. And you two were the first on my list. " me and Arianna giggled. Then my sister's car pulled up around the corner. "I gotta go X. I'll text you later. " He smiled. "Or see you later. " he leaned in for another kiss. Then we heard a click. We looked at Arianna. She had her phone out. We looked at her. She giggled. "C'mon let's go!" I said to her. "Bye baby." I said to Xavier. I got in the car with Arianna in the backseat. I waved at him from the window. I wonder what he ment by 'Or see you later.' Hmmm. "How was practice?" Asked Mia. "Great. I can't wait for tomorrow's game. " I said. Arianna squealed. "Can I come watch? Mind giving me a ride Mia?"
"No problem Arianna. You can ride with all of us. " Arianna pumped her fist in the air. I laughed. "And Dream, I saw some lip action back there. " I blushed. "Yea." I said. "Well be careful. I'm watching him. " She said. Arianna giggled. "Don't worry Mimi, he won't break my heart. " I said. "So how was your day?"

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