Chapter 4

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I woke up to my sister's footsteps in my room. For some reason she is like my alarm clock, that I didn't ask for. I didn't even wait for her to speak. I went ahead and got up. "Morning Mia. You can go now" I said. "Jeez, attitude much? Well I will see you downstairs missy!" She left walking like a diva. I rolled my eyes. I made up my bed and went in my closet. Hmm, what to wear today? "Oh by the way, it's like 30° degrees outside so cover up." Said Mia from outside my door. That was helpful. I decided too wear a captaian America sweatshirt, navy blue jeans, and some blue converse. I put my hair in a bun at the top of my head, and a blue and red flower head band over my forehead. I decided that I did a pretty good job. As I was getting my backpack ready, Xavier text me.
You should post more pics mama
He was talking about my instagram. Why not? I took a picture of my outfit for today and uploaded it. I finished getting my backpack ready and went downstairs. Mia was doing homework and mom wasn't in sight. "Hey Mimi," I said. That's my nickname for her. "Yea ?"
"Where is mama?"
"She is work. She left early. Said she had a meeting or somethin" she went back to doing her homework. Aww. I didn't say hi or bye. Oh well. I grabbed a
Pop tart and looked out the window. The bus pulled up around the corner. "Bye Mia. See you later" I said. "Okay kiddo. See you later" I waved at her and went out the door.

"Hey girl, what did you do yesterday that you couldn't tutor me?" Me and Arianna were sitting on the bus. She had on a red jacket that had snoppy on it, light blue jeans, red converse, and a red beanie that said ' You can't sit with us '. Her hair was in a fishtail braid to the side. "Oh don't act like you don't know!" I said. "You figured it out?"
"Of course I did you little player!" We laughed.
"Xavier told me."
"Oh so you two are hitting it off?" She said raising one eyebrow. "I guess. Nothing serious."
"For now!" She said pointing at me. "Stop it Arianna!" We both giggled. "Oh and I have seen your instagram. Child you are blowing up faster than a nuke bomb." I laughed." Well I had some confidence bursts and I love my outfits!" "I love your outfits too!" She said. "You always look good!" "Well thank you. Don't we both?" We giggled.
"Don't run into any trouble today!" Said Arianna as we got off the bus. "I won't mom!" I said. She smiled. "See you later sorella, sister" I said. She waved and ran off.
As I was walking in the hallway to my locker, I spotted Xavier with his crew. He was wearing a gray jacket, light blue jeans, and , what's up with eveyone? Yellow converse. He had a yellow beanie on. He spotted me and waved me over. I was alittle scared to go over there with his friends, but I decided I might as well. I slowly walked over to him. I put on my best grin slash smile. "Hey mama. Guys I want you to meet my girl, Dream." I waved at everyone. His girl? Well I guess I was. His guys waved at me and said hello. There was 6 of them."Dream there is Dillion, Malik, Jacob,Migel, Brandon, and Eddy" They all nodded. They semmed pretty cool. "Well nice to meet you guys" I said. They all smiled. "Same with you." Said Jacob. He had black hair and white creamy skin, and he was so sweet. He had a skateboard in his hand. He seemed like the kind of guy Arianna would go after. "Well Xavier I gotta go get my books from my locker then go to class." I said hoping he would get the hint that I wanted to go. I tilted my head and gave him a look. "Oh yea that's right mama" he said when he finally caught on. "It was nice meeting all of you guys,I guess I'll see you around" I said. They all smiled. "Nice meeting you to um, Dream right?" Said Jacob. I nodded. "I'll hit y'all up later. "Said Xavier dapping his friends. They all said bye and he walked me to my locker.
"I like Jacob." I said when we got to my locker. "I like him the most out of the 6 of em. He is really sweet, and perfect for Arianna" I said. Xavier was leaning on my locker door. He raised one eyebrow. "Look at Ms. Matchmaker over here!" He said. I giggled. "No, I'm just saying." I grabbed my books and put them in my backpack. I checked myself in the little mirror I have on the locker door. Xavier looked at me with puppy dog eyes. He was admiring me. I posed for him, with my arm over my head and my lips poked out in a missy face. He laughed. "Look at America's next Top Model" he said shaking his head. "Wait stay right there" he pulled out his phone and snapped a picture of me. "You better not put that on instagram." I warned him. He looked at me. "Too late!" He laughed. "X! Why?"
"Cause I wanna show my baby off"
"We haven't even been dating that long. Your a trip!" I said. I closed my locker and grabbed his hand. "Well I want to show my beautiful girl off. Is that okay mama?" I looked at him. "As long as you tag me." I said. I giggled. "Done deal mama." He smiled. This was nice. Walking through the hallway to class with your boyfriend, holding hands and having easy convo. Yea. This was really nice. We walked into Geomtry. We didn't have assigned seat, so I sat with Xavier. People were looking at us. Not in a bad way but in a, curious look. I checked my phone before class started. The picture I posted before school blew up, and Xavier tagged me in the picture he just took of me. I read the caption;
Don't my baby look good?
That was sweet. The bell rang. I put my phone up. I looked at Xavier. He gave me a wink and then looked at the board. I sighed. This was new, but I was liking it.

Lunch came and me and Arianna were in the lunch line. We were talking about the upcoming sign-ups for sports. "Arianna, you?know I can't do anything sport related." I said. She wanted me to sign up for something. "C'mon Dream! You have to try out for SOMETHING. Maybe soccer? Or maybe skateboarding? Cheerleading?" I laughed. "Soccer? No. Skateboarding? No. Cheer? Maybe." We walked to our table. "I could see you as a cheerleader. You would be prett cute in the little skirt and top." Said Arianna. We both giggled. I opened my Coke and put a straw in it, as usual. "But enough about me doing sports, you should definitely join the skateboarding team. Your perfect!" She smiled. "Well maybe I will." She said waving her fork in the air. "And it will be your fault!" She said stabbing her salad. I laughed.
"Is that hat true?" I heard Xavier's voice. Arianna looked up. "Oh no, come over here!" She said with her mouth full of salad. I covered my mouth, trying to not get salad everywhere from laughing. He smiled and sat next to me. "Hey mama. Is that your lunch?" He said putting his arm around me. I looked at him. "Nah, it's just random food in front off me" I said. "Of course it's my lunch!" I said taking another bite. He smiled. He took a piece of lettuce and put it in his mouth.
"Hey! That doesn't mean you can just go and eat it!" I said. I slapped his hand when he reached for more. He laughed and so did Arianna. "I see my help has paid off." She said. "I'm happy!" She had this giant smiled on her face. I rolled my eyes. "Oh guess what X?" She said
"Your girl is gonna be on the cheer team" he looked at me. "Is that right? Well your gonna be cheering me on, cause im going to be on the Football team mama!" I rolled my eyes and smiled. Arianna clapped her hands. "Talk about couple goals!" We all laughed.

After school, Xavier and me walked around the park again. We sat down on one of the benches. He put his arm around me and I laid my head on bis chest. It was a nice day, alittle cyrus but the sun was still out. This was so nice. I muzzled closer to him. He stroked my arm. "Mama this is really nice. " he said. I nodded in reply. "So your really gonna join he football team?" I asked him. "Yep! And your gonna be my little cheerleader mama!" He said poking my nose. I laughed. "Might be. I'm not sure. I don't think I would be a good cheerleader. " I said. "Aww mama I'm sure you will be the best one on th field."
"Yea, because hopefully I'm the only one your looking at!" I said He laughed. "Don't worry mama. My eyes are only on you, and that banging body in the uniform!" I tapped him on the leg. He laughed. I checked my phone. It was 3:45. We have been here for an hour. I had to get home. "I gotta get home X. I'll text you when I get home. Promise" I said. "Okay mama." He said. "Wait, let's take a pic" he took out his phone and took a picture of us cuddling. "You gotta send that to me!" I said
"No prob. I'll see you later mama" I got up and waved him goodbye.

I got home and my mom was there to greet me. "Hey Dream! Guess who's here!?!?" She said all excited. I didn't even have a chance to answer because my suprise came from downstairs. It was my cousins Eva and Levi! And my nonna, grandma! My cousins are twins. "Dream!" They said in unision. They both gave me a hug. They looked just like each other. They both had Long raven black hair, dark smooth mocha skin, and sparkling green eyes. They both smelled like vanilla. "Hey girls! I missed you molto, a lot!" They giggled in unision. When they finally let me go, I grabbed my grandma. She looked just like my cousins but much shorter and older. "Nonna I missed you!" I said while I was hugging her. "Oh my nipote, granddaughter, you have gotten so big! " when she let go off me She looked at me. "Oh, you are as beautiful as your mother." She said. I blushed. "Thankyou nonna."
"Well the girls just graduated from highschool, so next weekand we are throwing a party. And we will throw a after new years party as well!" She said. We all cheered. "Well Mia is at school , but you will see her tomorrow. Dream, why don't you and the girls hang in your room?" I nodded and lead them to my room. We had so much to catch up on!

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