Chapter 18

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When I woke back up I had a major headache. I was cold. I looked down and saw why. All I had on was my black PINK underwear set and an oversized Red hoodie. My hair was in a ponytail. My arms weren't tied to the bed but my feet we're. It's was still dark. I looked at the time. 9:08. I must have slept through the day. The door opened and the dude came in.
"Mornin. Finally you woke up. " I didn't say anything. He laughed.
"Okay. You don't want to say anything. I understand that. But I'm just going to tell you my name. I'm Jamie. But you can call me Mr. Because Your going to be here for a while. " he raises an eyebrow as if waiting for me to say something. I kept my mouth shut and just stared at him.
"Okay let me explain. Since you've been trying to hide from me and your little boyfriend hid you, I'm going to hide you. He didn't protect his little gem very well did he? So finders keepers. " he came on the bed and grabbed my chin. "Your mine now. " I turned my head away from him.
"I'll be back. But for now my little friend is going to get your ready."
He backed up.
"Tashia! Your up. "
A light skinned girl with curly hair came in. She seemed like she was in college. Jamie went out if the room.
"Okay Dream. Just do what I say and keep quiet. " she had an New York accent. She seemed nice but serious. I nodded my head. She untied me and grabbed my arm. She led me too a huge bathroom. The tub was filled with water. She took of the jacket and I removed my underwear and went in the tub. She washed my hair with a good smelling shampoo and I washed my body. When I got out I dried off and she put a robe on me. She led me to a vanity and sat me in the chair. She blow dried my hair and put it in a bun at the nape of my neck. Then she led me to a giant closet that's was bigger than Xavier's. There was already an outfit out. She put it on me. It was a red PINK underwear set which I put on, lace red shorts and a red see through jacket that came all the way to my waist. She put a red bow in my hair and no shoes.
"Am I really gonna wear this?" I asked Tashia.
"Sadly yes. This is what he wants you to wear to dessert. "
"Dessert? "
"Yes. No dinner. Just deserts. "
This was worse than I thought.
She looked me over and nodded.
"Now follow me sweetheart. "
She led me down stairs. The floor was cold and I was cold under these thin clothes. If I can even call them that. She led me in this huge dinning room. There was a giant table that had a beautiful center piece. Jamie was sitting at the table admiring me.
"Your hotter than when I first saw you. " I rolled my eyes. He got up and we went into another room. This room seemed like the inside of a strip club. There was a stage, poles, couches and loud music. There was also a bar. When I walked in there was like 30 teens in here, mostly guys. Tashia rushed me to the back while Jamie took a seat and was greeted. She went to the bar and then brought back a blue drink.
"What is that?" I asked
"No questions just drink it."
Said Tashia. She forced it to me.
"I'm not drinking it if I don't know what it is. "
"Do I have to force it down your throat or are you going to take it like a good girl?" She raised an eyebrow and looked at me. I sighed and took the drink. I gulped it down. Then I felt woozy. There was drugs in that drink. Then I just didn't feel like me. I felt, sexual and grown.
"Alright Sexy let's go. " Tashia grabbed my hand and led me to the stage. There were other girls on the stage too wearing things the same as my outfit. There was an an over in the stage and more people in here. There was probaly 200 people in this room.
"Welcome everyone! We have a very special party for tonight! " said the announcer. The crowd went crazy. Some guys whistled and other went looked at us as if we were candy.
"Haha well you guys are in store. Enjoy yourselves and enjoy the ladies. "
Then some music started and the other 10 girls went In search of tables. I decided to do the same
(Remember I wasn't acting myself because of the drink)
There was this one table where all the guys were looking at me. Out of mind, I climbed on the table and started dancing on top of it. The guys whistled and called out to me. I took off my jacket and threw it one of them. When the music changed I left and walked off.

At 1:00 I was sitting on a guys lap and drinking another one if those drinks that Tashia had given me. Then Jamie cane and pulled me aside.
"You've made just about every guy in this room. Now it's my turn. " He apologized to the guy and pulled me into a separate room. All that was there was a couch, speakers, lights, and pictures of girls on the walls. There song that was playing was
'Throw Some No' with Rae Sremmud,Nicki Minaj, and Young Thug. He made me drink another drink. And then put the glass next to the couch. He sat down and got comfortable.
He looked me up and down.
"Now, show me what you got sexy. "
Now me being drunk and on drugs, I was completely out if my mind.
I danced in beat with the music and came over to him. I started giving him a lap dance. He moved his hands up and down my body. Then he kissed my neck, and when he did that it reminded me of Xaveir. Then I got my sense back. I stopped and jumped off him. Xavier. What was overdoing here. I looked around. My head was hurting. And then I remembered everything. I opened the door and ran out the room. No one noticed me except Tashia. But she didn't stop me. I found the front door and ran out the door. I ran pass Arianna's house and all the way to Xavier's house.
I banged on the door and Javhon opened it. When he saw me worry went over his face. I fell in his arms in the middle of the floor. He dragged me in and called for Xavier.
Xavier ran downstairs and when he saw me He literally jumped to me. My head was hurting and I felt sick. I ran to the bathroom and threw up. Javhon and Xavier ran in there after me. Then the room started spinning and went blurry. Xavier and Javhon were saying something but I couldn't hear them. Then Javhon slashed cold water on my face. Then I could see and hear.
"Dream!Dream! Can you hear me?" Said Javhon. I nodded
"C'mon. X. We need to move her to my office. " Xavier nodded and picked me up. We went upstairs and Xavier layed me on an exam table. Javhon turned on a bright light and gave me a check up.
"She has a lot of alcohol and drugs in her system. I need to flush it out. " he chooses him out the room and gave me some medicine. I took it and he gave me some shots. I finally felt calm. He cut open above my rib and put some type of liquid in me. Then he stitched me up and gave me some pain killers.
Xavier came back in the room and took me to his room. He didn't say anything but just stoked my hair.
"I-I need a shower. " I said.
He nodded and let me take a shower. I took a shower and washed my hair. I dried it just put it in a ponytail. I put on one of Xavier's hoddies and some of his socks. I laid down next to him and just laid there.
"I need to know what happened Dream. " said Xavier.
I looked at him and sat up. I told him what happened. He punched the wall and I jumped. His hand was bleeding. I tended to it and made him sit down. "Calm down. Okay. I'm okay. Alright. " I said running my hands through his hair. He was fuming.
"I'm going to make this dude wish he was never alive. "
"Xavier don't do anything stupid."
"Dream, all I care about is you and making sure that doesn't happen to you again. "
He looked at me
"I don't want to lose you. Yout the best thing that has happened to me. "
I started to cry.
"Dream I love you. " he said it! He actually said it!
"X I love you too. I love you so much. "
I kissed him and hugged him as tight as I could. He eventually feel asleep and I just let him sleep. I needed to talk to Arianna. But I would do that later. I kissed Xavier. He really cared.
And I couldn't believe that I let getting away from him get too me. I didn't sleep but just sat and thought.
Thinking. And Thinking.

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