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─── ・ 。゚☆: *

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─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

percy was certainly good at taking his time.

maddie waited until geyron had his back turned, then tried again with the bonds. they were strong, too strong even for tyson to break, but maddie wasn't giving up. her brother was out there, with horses who would probably eat him, facing an impossible task.

she shifted slightly, hands desperately trying to find a weak spot in the binds. it was times like this that she wished she was a child of hephaestus, or another god who's expertise actually came in handy. but all she got were water-bending powers.

she paused, a new thought jumping into her head. it was ludicrous, really. she had promised chiron, and herself, that she wouldn't resort to it, that it was too dangerous, a power that was raw in her hands, that held the possibility of her worst nightmares coming true.

and yet . . . she had done it once before, and it had saved her life. if she could send the blood to geyron's head, knock him unconscious, it would do them the world of good.

but she was stumped. maddie had no idea how she had controlled kelli's blood, back in the music room at goode. it was a moment of blind reflex, her body working when her mind had failed her. her powers had simply taken control of her, and that was the thing that scared maddie the most.

she thought hard back to that day. hadn't she been seconds away from being eaten? the move had been a moment of panic, a last resort. 

but geyron was making no move to attack them. instead, he stood next to a barbecue, humming to himself as he cooked burgers, wearing a ridiculous kiss the chef apron. the food made maddie's stomach growl in hunger. her only sustenance that day had been the granola bar. the decking around them was set up like a party, with streamers and balloons.

maddie's eyes met with annabeth's. with their mouths being gagged, she couldn't tell annabeth of her plans, but she hoped that it showed in her eyes. the blonde furrowed her eyebrows questioningly, and maddie cocked her head in geyron's direction.

without seeing what annabeth's reaction was, maddie raised her bound hands as high as they would go in geyron's general direction, and closed her eyes. she pictured geyron's three chests, his three beating hearts, and the blood running through his body.

as soon as she felt confident in her grasp of his body, maddie allowed her eyes to open and fixed her sharp gaze on the man's back. she imagined his blood, and turned her hand, lifting it upward very slowly, trying to imagine that she was leading the blood up, up towards his head.

at first, nothing appeared to happen, and geyron remained the same, humming a tune as he cheerfully flipped burgers like there wasn't five adolescents tied up in a corner behind him.

maddie huffed and tried to concentrate harder. she felt a nudge of question from annabeth, but ignored it. her eyes and mind were fully focused now, zoned in on geyron and geyron only.

𝕚𝕧𝕪; annabeth chaseWhere stories live. Discover now