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─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

maddie doesn't think her body has ever hurt this much.

well, perhaps when she fell victim to luke's poison when she was twelve. her mind had gone fuzzy, and when she had woken up, she could barely move without something aching.

another time might have been when she had held up the sky for those brief moments in the battle with atlas. that had been one of the most strenuous things that her body had been put through. when she thinks about it, she can still feel the enormous amounts of pressure that her muscles had felt.

but this time was different. kronos had ordered her to be tied up, before he brought in each member of his army and directed them to hurt her in a different way. then, for the next however many hours, dracaenae, empousai, telekhines, monsters she hadn't even recognized each took their turn with her. blood was drawn and bruises were formed, and not even her begging had ceased the torture.

after, maddie found herself woozy from pain, barely acknowledging the two dracaenae dragging her back to the room she had woken up in. they hadn't bothered to tie her up this time, just chucking her on the floor with a bottle of water and a small, very stale loaf of bread.

the floor is cold as maddie sits against the wall, taking small sips of the water. she has to be smart about how she acts now, that she knows. her body is in a fragile state, and it could be days, weeks, years even, before she can escape or is rescued.

she winces as a sharp jolt of pain shoots down her arm. the memory comes like a flash, eyes shut in pain as one of the creatures bends her arm behind her back so hard her muscles seem to scream. 

sucking in a breath, maddie reaches down to the bottom of her trousers. it takes a bit of yanking, but eventually a small piece of fabric comes away. maddie soaks it in a bit of water, before pressing it to her face, wincing as the pressure evokes even more pain. 

she takes her time, shaky hands carefully dragging the cloth over the stains of crimson adorning her face. she moves onto her arms and hands, trying not to react at the stings of the moisture against the wounds.

her eyes are watery when she finishes, and she lets her head collapse against the cold wall. she has been strong for so long now, and it's damage has begun to show. maddie no longer feels like herself, but instead of the scared little girl she used to be. 

her eyes betray the fear that clenches around her heart, and a single tear slips down her face as a beacon of vulnerability. her last shred of strength seems to fall with it, as for the first time, maddie cannot fathom the idea of carrying on. 

a shuffle outside her door makes her lift her head, and a moment later there is a strangled yelp, followed by a small thump

maddie straightens up, ignoring her body's protests as she stands up. her legs woble and almost give out, so she leans on the wall. through the door, she can hear hushed whispers, voices that are unrecognizable. 

the girl swallows and grabs the water bottle as a weapon. her throat is dry as she stares at the door, wondering if it is kronos, coming to finally kill her. 

should these be her final moments, she thinks as she takes a deep breath, at least she will die on her feet with a weapon in her hand. she only wishes she could have said goodbye. 

the handle of the door twists side to side, and maddie frowns when she hears a huff of frustration. there is more shuffling, and before maddie can move, the door is blasted off it's hinges. 

the girl flinches, squinting to make out the various figures in the doorway. there is a beat of silence, before the tallest one steps forward and places her hands on her hips.

𝕚𝕧𝕪; annabeth chaseWhere stories live. Discover now