chapter 2: Day 1

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Your first 3 classes went fine. You weren't forced to make any introductions and in English and math you were able to sit next to Sugar. Staying by him made you feel safer. You both make your way to the cafeteria and find Berry in an argument with a goopy black skeleton. 

"I DONT CARE IF YOU DON"T LIKE IT. I'M NOT A TOY. I CAN DO WHAT I WANT." She snaps at him and that seems to piss him off. Sugar walks up and you hold on to the back of his hoodie. 

"Nightmare, I don't think it's a good idea for you to be harassing my sister. Are you looking for a bad time or something?" Berry notices you and runs over to give you a hug.

"Now Sugar, we all know you can't hurt me. I'll give you guys the week to get your human friend there settled but then… I expect things to go back to normal or…. She could also join us." He says with a sly tone.

"TO HELL WITH THAT!" Berry screeches then looks at you as you jump. "Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you." But at that point you barely recognized your friend. She had been gone for 2 years but now… you shake your head and back up. Right into someone that is, knocking both of you over. 

"The fuck do ya think you're doin', human?" A deep voice boomed. You couldn't look up and squeaked a quick apology before running off and going outside. You find a big tree and climb it a bit then pull out your phone to text your mom.

You: today isn't great…

You: too many new people…

Mom: it'll get better honey. Do you want to try and Make it through the day?

You: I can try… but Berry…. She's changed mom…

Mom: how so?

You: she's always arguing with people and snapping….

Mom: she trying to make you safe there. Stay with Sugar and he'll keep you safe.

You: I only have 3 classes with him…

Mom: 3 is better than none, right?

You: yeah…

Mom: alright. Text me if it gets too much for you. I love you.

You: love you too…

You sigh and lean against the tree trunk then you hear a laugh. You look to see the skeleton Berry was arguing with. 

"You seemed like you could use some company. Your negative emotions are amazing but you are a Human after all. Humans annoy me though." He says with an annoyed look.

"You could have stayed away then…" you say softly.

"What's your name Human? You seem interesting."

"What's it to you if you get my name or not?" You say looking away.

"Look, Berry is part of my crew. I need to know about the ones my crew hangs around, security reasons, you know?" You glance up at him to see him staring at you.

"It doesn't matter who I am…" you say and that seems to piss him off.

"Look human-" 

"Nightmare, leave her alone. She looks terrified enough." A new voice says. You look over to see a skeleton dressed in a white t-shirt, blue pants and a golden hoodie and golden shoes.

"Ugh, Dream, must you always ruin my fun?" Nightmare asks.

"You know upsetting people is not a good thing." The new one, Dream, says with annoyance.

"Whatever but human, know that I'll find out what I want eventually." And after that he was gone.

"Hey, are you okay?" Dream asks.

"I'll be okay… it's just… my first day here after moving from across the country… I grew up with Berry and Sugar…" you say softly without looking at him.

"Ah, you're their friend. Would you like help down from here? It doesn't look like you're stuck, I just don't want you slipping and falling." Dream chirps and you smile some before giving him a small nod.

"That might be a good idea…" you say as you stand up. As you do so you slip and let out a squeak but right before you hit the ground you stop. You open your eyes to see Berry and Sugar there and Sugar was using his magic to make it so you didn't hit the ground. 

"Omg! Are you okay? I didn't think you'd fall like that by getting up!" Dream says panicked as he jumps down. "My god I don't even know your name. I'm so stupid at times."

"Dream, this is (Y/N). A human we grew up with. Were you trying to calm her down some?" Sugar asks as you're sat on the ground. 

"Yeah, my brother was up there trying to upset her more first. I managed to annoy him into leaving though." Dream holds out his hands to help you up and you uneasily let him help you. You were overwhelmed though.

"Are you okay?" You hear Berry ask softly and you look at her. She was worried. Then you just start tearing up before starting to cry.

"Woah, what's wrong?" Dream asks flustered. You didn't know what to say. Do you just stood there crying.

"Okay, she needs to go home. Sis can you call her mom since she needs to be signed out?" Sugar asks and you hear Berry call you mom and is talking lowly. You also feel hands on your shoulder and panic.

"NO! DON'T TOUCH ME!" You scream as you push whoever is touching you away. You fell down yourself from the force.

"(Y/N)." You hear your mother's voice as a phone is put to your ear. "I'm on my way there. You'll be okay." 

"Mom… I don't wanna be touched…. Tell them not to touch me….." you whisper as you put your forehead against your knees.

"They won't touch you. The only one who might is Berry to loosen your scarf so you don't accidentally choke. Alright?" 

"Okay…" you say as you feel you scarf loosen slightly. 

"Alright, I'm pulling in now so I'm gonna hang up." The line drops and you start getting up but your scarf comes undone you gear a soft gasp but run to the front of the building and run right into your mom. She helps you take your hair out of the braid it was in. You hear 3 sets of footsteps run up behind you and you tense up.

"Lisa, is she okay?" You hear Berry ask.

"She's going to be fine, just completely overwhelmed today. It's something that we're working on. " You look up at your mom and she smiles. "Let's get you in the car and then I'll sign you out." You nod and she puts you in the car and turns on the radio to try and relax you. You yawn and fall asleep.

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