chapter eighteen

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The soft yet pulsating strains of music wafted through Dior's spacious bedroom as Brie and I stood in front of the full-length mirror, examining our reflection as we applied finishing touches for the final time. Dior herself was already dressed and waiting downstairs, leaving Brie and me to get ready together. Tonight was the night of the bonfire— a tradition, here in the Outer Banks, and I couldn't help but feel a mixture of excitement and nervousness for the wild night that laid ahead.

Everyone looked forward to the first bonfire of the summer. Every teen on the island. Besides for Midsummers, it was the highlight of everyone's summer. All bonfire parties were fun, sure, but the first one? It was always special, for no specific reason.

I was surprised my parents had let me go in the first place. My guess is that they were still in a good mood from the dinner with the Camerons four days ago.

They hadn't let me go last year, but they weren't even home when the Bonfire happened. They were traveling somewhere overseas, like they always were. So it didn't take much for me to sneak out.

"Lux, you look so stunning in that dress." Her eyes twinkled with admiration.

"You look amazing, Brie," I said, looking at her through the mirror. Brie's dress— a shimmering shade of blue clung to her curves like a second skin, and I couldn't help but admire her confidence.

"Thanks, Lux. But let's be real, I've got nothing on you."

I chuckled, adjusting the neckline of my dress. In contrast to Brie's, mine was a shade of fiery red. Dior had opted for one of my dresses, which was in her signature shade of pink. "Flattery will get you everywhere."

She grinned and then reached for her jewelry, carefully selecting a pair of silver earrings to complete her look. "So, are you excited to see Rafe again?"

I hesitated for a moment, my heart suddenly feeling a little heavier. "Yeah, I guess." I replied, my voice betraying my uncertainty.

Brie noticed immediately. "Hey, what's wrong? You told D and I that the dinner went pretty decent."

"It did," I drag. "It's just...dinner was fine but the end we had sort of a small argument. Not a major one, just a minor clash. I think we're okay now, and just seeing him again, it's...hard to describe. I just feel bad for him."

"What do you mean?"

"Ward gives him so much shit. He does deserve some of it, I won't lie, but I just felt horrible. At the end of dinner everyone was praising me about Harvard and Law School and Ward was just screaming at him saying that he wasn't enough. I felt terrible. I felt so, so terrible."

"Look," Brie says slowly. "You can't do anything about how Ward is with him. It's not your fault, whatever he said on that table. But you told D and I that you guys were warming up to each other."

"We are!" I say. "We definitely are. We're...friends. I can talk to him now. Even laugh. But no matter how friendly we are it's clear that we're very, very different."

Brie narrows her eyes. "Are you sure?"

"Yeah," I say, snorting. "I mean, imagine if we were in an actual relationship. It would be like one of those toxic love stories you read except with no eventual happy ending. All it would do is just end in chaos."


Dior, Brie and I made our way through the throngs of partygoers at the Bonfire. The air was electric with excitement, the music pounding in our ears and the scent of firewood and alcohol filling the air. It was the quintessential summer party, and everyone— as in every Kook on the island— was here to see and be seen.

HEARTLESS─── RAFE CAMERON [1]Where stories live. Discover now