48. A Relaxing Night

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We finished our bath, which lasted much longer than necessary since we dragged the bath out as long as possible. As Matty gently washed my hair and the rest of my body, we took our time, savouring every touch, kissing each other tenderly on whatever skin we could reach from where we lay, over and over, allowing our hearts to slowly repair as they steeped in each other's presence. 

Afterwards, Matty dried us both off, clothing us in his comfiest sweatsuits, and then placed me on his couch before turning and walking out of the room. Moments later he reappeared with his duvet and several pillows from the bedroom, then began placing them around me, tucking me in tightly.

"Wait, wait, wait, stop," I said as he wrapped me up like a cocoon. He froze, looking up at me skeptically with a raised eyebrow.

"Why?" he asked dubiously.

"Because I want you under here with me," I answered innocently. When he didn't concede immediately, I made sure to pout slightly so he wouldn't turn down my request.

He bit his lip as he fought internally about what would be best for me, finally caving after a few moments.

"Fine," he said as he resumed tucking me in. I raised my eyebrow at him in question and he quickly finished before continuing. "But I'm getting you snacks first," he said as he stood up, wagging a finger at me, then promptly turned on his heel and walked out the door. I couldn't help but laugh, then reached for the remote and began to scroll through Netflix as I tried to decide on something to watch. I settled on a lighthearted rom-com and nestled myself deeper under the covers as I began to watch.

Only a few minutes later, my phone began to ring. I chuckled as I saw the smile of Matty's contact photo light up on my screen, rolling my eyes as I picked it up.

"You can't possibly be calling to check in on me- you've been gone all of five minutes, Matty," I said incredulously as I answered.

"I'm just walking to the shop- I'm grabbing you a bunch of things, but are you in the mood for anything specific? We'll order lunch in, but any snack cravings?" he asked earnestly.

"I'm okay, Matty, honestly. I'm fine with just lunch," I laughed.

"But what about after? Just tell me what to get," he insisted.

"I'm honestly not very hungry," I said. I listened to his silence on the line, then I realized he wasn't going to take no for an answer. I sighed.

"Some chocolate, I guess? That Milka one we both like with the biscuits? And maybe some juice?" I gave in.

"Perfect," he said, his smile audible. "Anything else?"

"Matty," I replied sternly.

"Oh, hush, or else I'm going to call Agatha- she'll take my side and we both know it," he said sassily as the familiar bustle and beeps of the grocery store buzzed in the background.

"Goodbyyye, Maaatty," I sang.

"See you soon, my love," he said sweetly into the phone before hanging up.

Some 15 minutes later, I heard Matty climbing up the stairs, then reappear in the doorway carrying what must have been at least five or six grocery bags stuffed to the brim. As he carried them to the kitchen counter, I stood up and walked over to him, wrapping my arms around him from behind, earning a yelp from him.

"Anna-" he began to protest at my non-horizontal state.

"MATTY!" I yelled as my eyes landed on one of the bags which had tipped over, its entire contents spilling out of the bag and onto the counter. The bag was chock-full of Milka chocolate bars.

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