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Chapter: The New Recruit

The headquarters of 100 Thieves buzzed with excitement as the team gathered for a meeting. Y/N, a young and skilled eSports player, nervously adjusted his jersey as he took a seat among the team members. The legacy of 100 Thieves was not lost on him, and he felt the weight of expectations on his shoulders.

CouRageJD, charismatic and well-known in the eSports community, stood at the front of the room, a warm smile on his face. "Alright, everyone," he began, his voice carrying the energy that had earned him a legion of fans. "Today, we're welcoming a new member to our family. Y/N, would you like to say a few words?"

Y/N cleared his throat, trying to steady his nerves. "Hey, everyone. I'm really excited to be here. 100 Thieves has always been a dream for me, and I'm honored to join this incredible team."

The room erupted in cheers and applause, making Y/N feel a mixture of pride and gratitude. As the meeting continued, CouRageJD found an opportunity to pull Y/N aside.

"Hey, Y/N, welcome aboard," CouRageJD said with a grin, extending his hand for a handshake. "You're gonna do great here."

Y/N shook his hand, feeling a rush of admiration for the veteran player. "Thanks, CouRage. It means a lot coming from you."

Over the next few days, Y/N immersed himself in the team's practice sessions, determined to prove himself worthy of being a part of 100 Thieves. He found himself paired with different team members, learning their playstyles and strategies. As the pressure mounted, CouRageJD took notice of Y/N's dedication.

After a particularly intense practice session, Y/N and CouRageJD found themselves alone in the team's gaming lounge.

"You're adapting quickly," CouRageJD remarked, leaning back in his chair. "I've been watching your progress, and I'm impressed."

Y/N smiled, a mix of pride and relief flooding him. "Thanks, CouRage. I'm pushing myself to learn as much as I can."

CouRageJD nodded, his expression thoughtful. "Remember, it's not just about skill. It's about the heart you bring to the team, the bonds you form. That's what makes 100 Thieves special."

As the weeks went by, Y/N's interactions with CouRageJD grew more frequent. They discussed strategy, swapped stories, and even shared a few lighthearted jokes. Y/N found himself looking up to CouRageJD not just as a talented player but also as a mentor and friend.

One evening, as Y/N was practicing late, CouRageJD walked into the gaming room. "Taking a break, Y/N?" he asked, leaning against a console.

Y/N sighed, rubbing his eyes. "Yeah, I've been at it for a while. I just want to make sure I'm pulling my weight."

CouRageJD chuckled. "You're doing great, but remember, burnout won't help anyone. Let's grab a snack and talk about something other than the game for a change."

Y/N agreed, and they headed to the break room, sharing stories about their gaming journeys, personal interests, and even some embarrassing moments from their careers. Y/N realized that CouRageJD was not just a seasoned player but also someone who genuinely cared about the well-being of his teammates.

As time went on, Y/N's bond with CouRageJD became a central pillar of support. Whether it was discussing strategy or sharing a moment of doubt, Y/N knew he could count on CouRageJD's guidance.

In a crucial tournament, with the eyes of the eSports world upon them, Y/N found himself facing a challenging opponent. Doubt gnawed at him, but just before the match, CouRageJD pulled him aside.

"You've got this, Y/N," CouRageJD said firmly. "I've seen your dedication, your growth. Trust yourself and play like you know how."

With CouRageJD's words echoing in his mind, Y/N gave it his all in the match. The team rallied behind him, and with a collective effort, they secured a victory that sent shockwaves through the eSports community.

After the match, CouRageJD clapped Y/N on the back. "See? I told you."

Y/N grinned, a mixture of elation and gratitude bubbling within him. "Thanks, CouRage. None of this would've been possible without you and the team."

After the victorious celebration, Y/N found himself spending more time with CouRageJD outside of practice and tournaments. They shared meals, went on late-night drives, and even explored their shared love for hiking during their downtime.

One evening, as the sun set in a blaze of orange and pink hues, Y/N and CouRageJD found themselves sitting atop a hill overlooking the city. The cool breeze rustled the leaves, and the peacefulness of the moment was palpable.

"You know," CouRageJD began, his voice contemplative, "when I first met you, I saw potential, but I didn't expect to find a friend like you."

Y/N turned to him, a genuine smile playing on his lips. "Likewise, CouRage. You've been there for me in more ways than I could've imagined."

Their eyes met, and for a moment, time seemed to stand still. Y/N noticed a softness in CouRageJD's gaze, a depth that hadn't been there before. The air between them held a newfound tension, charged with unspoken emotions.

As weeks turned into months, Y/N couldn't ignore the way his heart raced whenever CouRageJD was near. He found himself looking forward to their conversations, their laughter, and the stolen glances that seemed to hold a world of meaning.

One evening, after a particularly grueling practice session, Y/N and CouRageJD ended up sitting together in the dimly lit gaming lounge. Y/N's fingers hovered over his controller, his mind a whirlwind of thoughts.

"Y/N," CouRageJD began, his voice gentle, "there's something I've been wanting to talk to you about."

Y/N's heart skipped a beat as he turned his attention fully to CouRageJD. "What is it?"

CouRageJD's gaze held a mixture of vulnerability and determination. "I've realized that you've become an incredibly important part of my life. The way you approach challenges, your dedication—it's inspiring. And... well, I've come to realize that my feelings for you have grown beyond friendship."

Y/N's breath caught in his throat, a rush of emotions flooding him. He had never expected CouRageJD to confess his feelings, and yet, the words felt like they had been lingering in the air between them for a while.

"I feel the same way, CouRage," Y/N admitted, his voice barely above a whisper. "You've been my anchor through all of this, and I've fallen for you too."

A soft smile tugged at the corners of CouRageJD's lips. "I'm glad," he said, his hand finding Y/N's. "I want us to explore this, Y/N, to see where it takes us."

Their fingers intertwined, and in that simple touch, a new chapter of their relationship began. The journey ahead was uncertain, but Y/N felt a sense of excitement and anticipation that he had never experienced before.

As the days turned into weeks, their bond deepened, and their partnership both in and out of the game flourished. Y/N found solace in CouRageJD's arms, and CouRageJD discovered a kind of happiness he had never imagined.

And so, amidst the challenges and triumphs of the eSports world, Y/N and CouRageJD's friendship evolved into a love that was as strong and unshakeable as their commitment to 100 Thieves. As they stood side by side, facing both virtual battles and the intricacies of their hearts, they knew that they had found something truly special—a connection that transcended the confines of the gaming realm and blossomed into a love story for the ages.

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