First Shift

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We walked through the Pizza Plex until we reached the security room, Freddy told me to use the tablet so I can scan all the animatronics and check to see if they were all working properly or see if there were any viruses or glitches. I grabbed the tablet then exited the security room, then I walked around the pizza plex and scanned all the bots to see if they were in perfect working order. After I finished, I pinged the main animatronics to head to the stage and met up with them there, then scanned them before wiping them down with a cleaning wipe. When I finished, they all went back to where they came from, except Freddy.

"Alright, that's almost all of them.. Next It says I need to check up on the Daycare Attendants.. And then afterwards, I need to check on DJ Music Man.." I told Freddy.

"Ah.. The Attendants and DJ.. They're all such wonderful kind animatronics.." He said while smiling.

I smiled a bit then headed up the stairs, going towards where I saw the door to the daycare earlier. Freddy said he would wait for me at the other entrance then walked off, I headed inside then walked over to a slide. There was a sign on the side that said "Slide for fun!" while pointing to the slide, I giggled a bit then pushed myself down the slide. Various different colors filled my vision before I fell into a ball pit pool, I felt happy while getting up from the shallow area of it since I haven't been in a ball pit since I was younger. I made my way towards the rainbow bridge that led out of the ball pit pool, but spotted something out of the corner of my eye.

When I turned to look I saw a Sun themed animatronic twirl out onto a small balcony, he had sunrays coming from his headplate and he looked taller than Freddy by a foot, he wore ribbons around his wrists that had bells attached to them, and he was wearing red and yellow stripped baggy trousers with a fan-folded skirt holding them up. 

"HO HO HOOO!!" He said then got into a diving position before diving into the ball pit pool.

I gasped a bit and looked around, then I felt two metallic hands grab my waist and lift me up while the Sun animatronic lifted me out of the ball pit pool and into the air. "New friend! You're sure up late! Are we having a slumber party??" He said while carrying me out of the ball pit pool, then sat me down on the soft play mats, "We can finger-paint, tell stories.. Drink fizzy faz until our heads ex-PLODE!! You look a little old to be in here, New friend! But I'm sure we'll have loads of fun together!!"

I giggled while watching him do his little sway wave dance, "Hello there.. I'm the new Nighttime Security Guard, (Y/N) Fazbear.. What's your name.. New friend?" I asked after introducing myself.

The Sun animatronic gasped and smiled brightly, "My name is Sundrop!! You can call me Sun or Mr. Sun! It's very nice to meet you Mrs. Fazbear!! I'm so glad we got a new Security Guard!! We always need more help around the Mega Pizza Plex!~ And your last name is Fazbear, huh?? Are you and Freddy married??

My face turned as red as an apple, "W-What?? No! It's not like that! M-Me and Fr-freddy are friends! M-My ex husband h-had the last name Fazbear a-and I decided to keep the name a-after we divorced!.." 

Sun just smiled at me calmly, "Now, Now Mrs. Fazbear.. I know Love when I see it! You like Freddy! There's nothing wrong with that!" 

I looked away flusteredly then took a deep breath before looking back at him, "Anyways.. It says on my agenda that I have to check up on the Daycare Attendants.. where's the other one?" 

"OH! Uhm.. I'm doing just fine! Everything is in working order for my system and we're able to clean ourselves whenever we get messy! As for my brother Moony, in order to talk to him you'll have to shut off the light, we're in the same body but we have different mindsets and different personalities!" He told me.

"That's so interesting.." I say before I go to turn off the light.

When I turned back around, I tried to adjust my eyes to the dark Daycare surroundings, then I heard a giggle before I was lifted into the air. I screamed and held on tightly to whatever was holding onto me, I looked up and saw 2 red glowing eyes while a Moon themed Animatronic stared back with a cheeky grin. He looked exactly like Sun, except he was white and blue, he had a night cap instead of sunrays, and his pants were blue with a star pattern on it, and his teeth were sharp.

"Naughty Girl.. It's past your bedtime... What are you doing here after hours?.." He asked in a raspy deep voice.

"I'm the new Nighttime Security Guard, I have to be up past my bedtime..." I replied.

"New Night Guard you say?... It's a pleasure to meet you then, Starlight... I'm Moondrop.. You can call me Moon..." He introduced, then set me back on the ground.

"I'm (Y/N) Fazbear, and no I'm not married to Freddy, my ex-husband had the last name and I just kept it.." 

"I already know about that.. Sun told me.. We share bodies.." 

"Right.. Anyways just doing a routine check.. Are your functions working well, no glitches or viruses?.." 

"Everything is in working order.. Don't you worry about it.. Now how about you get back to Freddy.. I'm sure he's worried about you, Starlight..."

"Okay smarty pants.. Have a nice Night Moon and Sun.." I said, then headed for they daycare exit doors.

I exited the daycare and saw that Freddy was standing outside waiting for me, I smiled calmly while walking over to him, "So kind of you to wait for me, Freddy.." I said.

"I'd wait for all Eternity if it would let me see your smile again, Superstar..." He replied.

"That wouldn't be possible, you'd have to go and charge every few hours.."

"The sad truth.." 

I chuckled while he smiled calmly, we headed towards the west dancefloor and I checked up on DJ. It was a good thing I knew morse code or I wouldn't have known what he was saying, once finished I headed back to the security office and put in the data on the tablet into the system. For some reason, Freddy always stayed outside of the Security office, like he wasn't allowed inside. Once I finished I headed back out to Freddy and we talked for the rest of my shift, it was nice getting to know him more. I changed when it was time for the doors to open again, then said my goodbyes before leaving and heading home.

(1156 words)

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