Daycare Attendants

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May 19th, 9:55am

As I stirred and woke up, I found myself in my bedroom back at home. I looked around then got out of bed before going to my Mommy's room and peeking in, when I looked inside, I saw that she was asleep in her bed like she usually is in the morning. I smiled to myself then headed to the kitchen, I made myself a bowl of cereal and ate before cleaning my mess and doing the dishes for Mommy. She's been working so hard for us, it's the least I could do since Daddy is away on a long trip.

When I finished doing the dishes I went and cleaned up my room, then grabbed some pencils and paper before heading to my Mommy's room and sitting on the floor at the end of her bed. I set down the paper and started drawing with the colored pencils that my Mommy got me for Easter, I know that the Easter Bunny isn't real, although I pretend that he is so me and Mommy can have fun together. As I drew I heard my Mommy shifting in her bed, 'Mommy must be waking up now!' I thought and smiled. I finished my drawing as quickly as I could, then got up and walked closer to her, I started to wait patiently for her to wake up.


I stir and wake up, yawning as I rub my eyes. 'Man.. Who knew working the night shift wouldn't be that easy?..' I thought then rolled over, before jumping slightly when I saw (S/N) standing right there at the side of my bed. 

"Oh!.. Sweetie.. You startled me.." I said softly while pulling him up onto the bed and onto my lap as I sat up. 

"Sorry Mommy, I made a drawing! You want to see??" 

"I'd love to see it, sweetie.." (S/N) Handed me the drawing and I took it gently before looking at it, it was a stick drawing of him, me, and Freddy from the other day. We were all holding hands with smiles on our faces, which made me smile warmly before giving the drawing back. 

"It's lovely sweetie, maybe you should show it to Freddy today before I drop you off at the Daycare.." I tell him. 

He gasps and jumps for joy, "Yay! We're going back to the Pizza Plex!" He said excitedly then hugged me. 

I chuckle as I hug him back, "Go get changed and brush your teeth, I'll pack you a little backpack and put your drawing supplies inside.." 

"Okay Mommy!" 

I watch as he jumps off the bed and runs to his room, I chuckle as I close the door after getting out of bed then start getting ready for the day. I got changed into a comfortable red dress that my Ex-Husband never let me wear in public even after we divorced, I didn't know if it was because he didn't want other men looking at me or if it was because he just hated it. After I got dressed, I brushed my hair and watched as my curls straightened a little into waves, I put on some lip gloss and a bit of blush before grabbing some short heels and putting them on. I walked out to the kitchen and made (S/N) a lunch for when he's in the daycare, I don't know if they have lunch or snack time, so I'd rather be prepared. I packed his little lunchbox then put it in his backpack with his sketchbook, coloring books, and coloring supplies, then set it on a dining room chair before going to get the car ready.


I ran out of my room and got my strap on sketchers on, then grabbed my backpack that I know my Mommy packed for me and headed out to the car. I hopped into the backseat and strapped into my car seat, and since I'm a big boy now, I don't need my Mommy's help with the seat belt anymore. I listened as my Mommy turned on the car and backed out of the driveway, I watched as the trees flew by the window outside and how my imaginary friend ran on the pole wires alongside us with a smile. As we stopped at a red light I sat up in my car seat and looked out the window, there I could see a giant colorful sign in the slight distance and knew that we were almost at the Pizza Plex.

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