The Mega Pizza Plex

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May 17th, 12:45pm

You walked up to the Mega Pizza Plex with your son in your arms, he was excited and happy that you were able to bring him here for his birthday. You were wearing a long sleeve sweater dress with knee high socks and heels, your son was wearing a short sleeve T-shirt and some shorts. You headed over to the front desk and got some tokens from the employee, then you set your son down and asked him where he wanted to go first. 

"Can we go to the arcade first Mommy?" He asked you.

"Sure we can, Sweetie... Just stay close to me okay?" You suggested. 

"I will! I promise!" He said with a smile.

You held his hand as you two headed to the Fazcade area, you gave him some tokens and he went to go play a Fazcade game while you stayed near the door. You felt uneasy when your little boy wasn't by your side because you feared he would get taken from you, you felt a hand on your shoulder, and you looked up to see a Bear Designed Animatronic. He was around seven or eight feet tall, so he practically towered over you, he had piercing ice blue eyes, a red earring on his left ear, a mini top hat, a black bowtie with a light blue lightning bolt underneath it on his metallic chest. He had black punk like bracelets on his wrists and he also had red shoulder pads, there was a blue mask part around his eyes, and it had a red outline that streaked onto his cheeks, and he had a small blue square under his mouth like a beard.

"Are you alright Miss..? You seem to be uncomfortable.." The animatronic asked, his voice was deep and soothing. It made your heart flutter, you felt calmer.

"I-I'm alright.. Just one of those motherly fears of having their child kidnapped right under their nose is all.." You said all too casually.

"Oh.. I understand.. where is your child then..?" He asked.

"He's somewhere in here playing an arcade game.. It's probably best I don't hover over him to make him uncomfortable.." You say.

"I understand that all too well... My name is Freddy Fazbear.. What is yours Miss..?" The Bear asked after introducing himself.

"I'm (Y/N) Fazbear... My son's name is (S/N) Fazbear..." You said quietly.

Freddy looked at you a bit shocked and then smiled calmly "It's very nice to meet you Miss (Y/N)... How about I accompany you and your son for the day..?" He offered.

"You don't have to.. I'm sure you're much too busy to hang out with me and my son.." You protested.

"Mommy! I won a bunch of tickets!!" Your son exclaimed excitedly as he ran over to you and hugged your leg, "This is the best birthday so far! Thank you for bringing me here Mommy!"

"That's great sweetie.. And you're welcome.. I'm glad you're having fun.." You said as you picked him up and hugged him.

"Mommy, who is this? He's tall.." Your son asked.

"My name is Freddy Fazbear.. It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance.." He said so formally.

"Woah..! You're Freddy Fazbear..?! Mommy said she used to be your biggest fan when she was younger..!" (S/N) said, exposing you.

"(S/N).. You don't just tell everyone Mommy's secrets..." you said in a hushed tone, from embarrassment.

Freddy chuckles, "It's quite alright.. I have many fans so I believe that you were once one of them Superstar.." He said calmly.

You felt your cheeks warm up when he called you that nickname, something about his voice just seems so soothing and calm. "Anyways.. I was offering your mother if I could accompany you both for your birthday.." Freddy said to (S/N).

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