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'Bro u have got to be kidding me' Ansu said. 'Bro is that a hickey on ur neck'Gavi said trying to touch it. 'Yh so Malissa kissed me that all' Alejandro said like it was nothing. 'So u really expect u and Tahira to get together when it seems hard for u to keep ur Dick in ur pants' Ansu said touching his head

' u know what this is a task for u to solve cause am tired of them looking at me as the bad friend'Gavi said walking out.

'Bro first Joyvannah then Aisha then suddenly Tahira who u called ur side dish bro this is a Job for u to fix I can't help'.

'I wont always cover for u bro and I don't know when u will know that' Ansu said.

'Bro first Gavi now u bro come on if u saw a hot chick bro u also wouldn't control it' Ale said trying to defend himself.

'Bro don't u hear ur self and even if I did I am not in a relationship or trying to get into one bro's Ansu said.

'Maybe if u want Tahira to like u keep ur dick in ur pants first' Ansu said walking out.

Authors Note

Honestly Alejandro needs help at this point.

Y'all remember when I said I will introduce characters slowly so Malisa
And Aeesha are new characters aghhhhhhhh

Please leave comments on ideas u want to see in the book

Bye my luvs :)

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