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(Very long part so in a way this is going to cover up 2 chapters)

On the phone
Jude:hey how are u

Hira:am good I miss u so much when are u coming to visit.

Jude:maybe today after training

Hira:I would love to see u soon I will be waiting love u

Jude:Love u too

End of convo.

Hira  part


Like he thinks he controls me'she said'

'Like very annoying boy'adeola said putting makeup up on

'But u all where so cute until he started his side tings era' nella said laughing

'I even went to a party that he was at and he was whining on some chick, then came back with a hickey' Chloé said entering the room

'How did u know we were talking about him' nella said

' well we all know it Alejandro'she said

'True' adeola said

'Hira someone is at the door'nella, said

'Coming' she taught it was Jude so she just went in a bra and shorts

Open the door

'Speak of the devil and he shall appear' she said

'So u where thinking of me'Ale said

'I was expecting Jude'she said 'and what if I was' he said entering the house

'Please leave my house ale it getting out of hand with ur rubbish'she said

'Then make me. I am not here to give up but to ask a questions

'Go on' she said

'That pic th-' she cut him off

'I knew it u can't come here to be reasonable for once Alejandro she said

Nella, Adeola, and Chloé came when they heard that name

'U'adeola said hissing

' u didn't tell me guest where around I would have greeted' he said laughing

'Just get o-  she got cut off this time by the door opening

'Hey my love how are u' Jude said entering just to see Ale beside her and nella, Adi, and Chloé in the room

'Well might as well call this a party'Ale said

'That u need to leave and the answer to ur question is yes now go'she said

'I won't until he leaves' Alejandro said pointing at jude.

'Then I might just have to tell everyone the truth' hira said

'This isn't funny hira just wait until I get dirt on u' he said leaving

'Anyways Jude how are u doing' tahira said leaning in to kiss him

'Good I got u food cause they called me for evening training'but I can stay for like 2 min or so' he said  dropping the food on the table holding her close to him

'No don't worry I was even getting ready for a footsylum shoot'she said

'Take care of urself I love u call me when u get done with the shoot I would have stayed a while but cama is driving so I cant' he said

'Ok my regards' she said 'bye u guys they is enough for everyone' planting a kiss on her head before leaving'

'Girl u better not lose him'
Nella saod opening the food

Author note
I hope u all enjoy this long
Ass chapter take care my
Luvs bye, peace.

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