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'Babe I am here oh I see u have company' Aeesha said

'Company is a really bed word for the situation but nice to meet u' Tahira says

'Am Aeesha and u are' she replies

'Am Tahira but close friends call me Hira' tahira says trying her best to keep a straight face

'Anyways I was just dropping something off for Jude' she said kissing him

'Wow anyways it was nice meeting u' She said.

'U guys can finish ur conversation I will be going now take care baby's Aeesha said

'Sure' Tahira said.

Aeesha left

'How long' she said letting her tears fall down

'Am sorry' Jude said

'That was never the question how long did U guys continue dating' she said hitting his chest

' a year' he said lowly

'I hate u I hâte u I hate u Jude Bellingham'

'I thought u were never going to find out so I tho-

'The only thing am happy for is that at least u never took my virginity' she said laughing

'It was so funny how u thought I wouldn't find out like I am a walking fool right'  she says

' let me give u the honours and end this relationship so that u and ur girlfriend Aeesha can be in peace and if I ever hear ur name out of my mouth I will slice ur dreams into 3quarters and I promise U that' she said leaving the room

Authors note
I had to end the relationship one way or the other

Also school is getting serious so the story might take time to update take care luvs, peace

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