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'Omg how are u Tahira right' Aeesha said

'Yh how are you' she replied

'Good just came here to say hey' she said laughing

'Hmm yh isn't Jude looking for u he might be worried' she said sipping her tea

'Oh no need he is behind the boy ur sitting with' she said pointing

'Ok take care' she said walking to Jude

'I can tell she doesn't like u' he said dropping his spoon

'How she look kind and she is'tahira said

'Come on she Definitely faking' he said holding her hand

'Maybe but she isn't my worries u are' she said

'So be for she happily enterupted tell me about urself' he said smiling

'Well am 19, have 3 younger siblings and 2 older ones I am a singer sometimes but most people know me from stuff like footysylum amd channel 4.0' she said

'Well I am an act-'
'U kinda look like one but carry one she said

'Bingo' he said

'Wait what are u doing here aren't I meant to film today' she said

'I was had to take a break and Adeola invited me so I turned up' he said

The 2 talked for a while took pictures most people where shocked cause U know power couple Jude and her but she didn't give 2 fucks on their looks

'Anyways I have to get going cause we are going soon and it only 10 people here but take care' he said standing up as she also did the both of them hugged he grabbed her waist and she grabbed his neck


Take care luvs peace
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