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Alex pov.

4 years have passed, I have been living my life away from the press together with my children and now, it's time to go back.

I'm coming back, Us.

Henry pov.

It's been 4 years Alex. Where are you my love?

A lot of things had happened on the span of 4 years.

The king died, my brother, Philip abdicated the throne to live in peace with his wife. Leaving me as the heir.

I'm king now Alex, I hope your proud.

Alex pov.

"Xandra, are all you things ready?" Alex asked.

"Yes dad. But, can I ask why we're going back to Us? I like it here" Alexandria complained.

Alex pulled Xandra to sit on his lap and embraced her. "Baby, don't you want to meet grandma?" Alex said.

"Yes. But are we really not coming back here?" Xandra tearfully asked. Over the years, Xandra had grown to be super close to the friends she make so, it's really hard for her to leave.

"Oh honey, that depends so I'm afraid I can't give you an exact answer." Alex explained.

"No!! Mama please. I like it here. Please Ma. Let's stay here" Xandra pleaded and then started crying.

"Oh honey, can you please be a good girl for mama?" Alex requested.

Time skip; at the airport after landing.

"Alex!!!" "Mr Diaz!!"

The airport is bustling with excitement as the first prince of the United States was said to return today. Thus, all the airports in New York has been flooded by reporters each hoping to catch a glimpse of the first son for their daily news.

Meanwhile, in the private jet, a father is strictly giving instructions to it's children hoping that they would make it to the White House safely.

After a brief instruction, Alexander Gabriel Claremont-Diaz finally entered the eyes of the media once more after years.

"Mr. Diaz"
"Mr. Diaz"
"Mr. Diaz"
"Mr. Diaz"
"Mr. Diaz"
"Mr. Diaz"

Once again echoed through the halls accompanied by the continuous clicking sound coming from the cameras.

A wall of body guards we're prepared beforehand since it has already been predicted according to the movement of the media. Thanks to the efforts of the body guards, Alex safely entered the grounds of the White House.

"Oh Alex" President Claremont said as she made her way to Alex with open arms.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2023 ⏰

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